Plane of Fire

The Elemental Plane of the Fire is is the embodiment of flame and the border between the other Elemental Planes and the Astral Plane.


The Plane of Fire embodies all aspects of flame. It is an immeasurable landscape made up of oceans of magma, valleys of ash, towering calderas, and more. This makes it a difficult location for most living beings to travel, but modern technology allows most to visit the metropolitan areas, such as the City of Brass, without too much trouble.

Localized Phenomena

While gravity and time act similar to the Material Plane, the Plane of Fire has no set size, and is considered immeasurable by most scholars. In addition, flame-based spells are notably stronger when cast on this plane, whereas water-based spells are similarly weakened, and at times may fail to function entirely.


Of the Elemental Planes, the Plane of Fire is perhaps the least-visited, due to its distance from the Material Plane and the innate dangers of its environment. However, the City of Brass serves as a major trade hub for the entirety of the Great Beyond, and thousands of merchants capable of planar travel visit the area each day.

The Efreeti also charter flights to the Plane of Fire from the Burning Archipelago, but the service is not cheap, and they keep the locations of their portals secret from consumers.
Artwork by Tiago Sousa
Alternative Name(s)
The Everlasting Furnace
Dimensional plane
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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