
You rolled out the noodles, lacing the strands between your claws, and chopped them to the appropriate length. Then you checked the eggs, diced the vegetables, and spooned a bit of the broth to your lips. It was all perfect.

Looking out into the square of Downlow, you watched as lights began to click on in the windows, and the artificial sun became to brighten, following the circadian rhythm present in the Eye. Down here, the lamps were little better than warm LEDs, but it helped keep the Station on the same schedule. Your new home was made up of dozens of species, but you were one tribe -- whether the rich folks above liked it or not.

You rotated around your ramen shop -- a circular building with open walls, nestled right in the center of Downlow proper -- tending to the various pots and cutting boards, getting your ramen ready to sell. The Lucky Cat Ramen Shop had only been open for three months, but business had been outstanding. The space below the service hatch your building covered was fully-rennovated now, with proper room and board for the Daishi clan -- a multi-family unit of feline Ysoki that never followed Unari to Castrovel, and had remained on Absalom Station for centuries. They had been over-the-moon when they discovered you, even though you were far too old to bear any children, and welcomed you into their ranks.

They didn't ask you where you came from, which was an untold blessing.

???: "Good morning, Sensei."

You didn't look up, or jump at the sudden presence. You had been waiting for this all morning.

Sensei: "Valentina. How is business?"
Valentina: "Marvelous, darling. Haven't lost a case yet. The usual, please."

You siphoned ingredients into a clean bowl, working swiftly, and rolled a steaming serving of ramen to the lawyer's seat at the table. As usual, Valentina was decked out in the latest fashion, in a suit that could pay for a month of expenses, and a suitcase bursting with documents from her dozens of clients. She adjusted a strand of red-orange hair away from her eyes, and gave you a demure look that was far from genuine.

Valentina: "I have a--"
Sensei: "Yes."
Valentina: "Pardon?"
Sensei: "Yes. I will be Wind's Guardian. I will join the Order."

Valentina chuckled, pausing to taste the ramen. The low moan of appreciation was genuine. You didn't bother hiding your smile, and starting chopping the next batch of ingredients.

Valentina: "The Mantle never gave you prescience, Sensei."
Sensei: "Close enough. I know why you are here. I say yes."
Valentina: "Excellent... But you got one thing wrong."

You paused mid-chop, and slid your gaze to Valentina. She took a slow, delicate drink of the broth, smacked her painted lips, and grinned. You huffed, and took the bait.

Sensei: "What did I miss, Valentina?"
Valentina: "You are correct in that I came to ask for your Guardianship, and that the Order of the Mirror has taken an interest in you. What you missed..."

Valentina took another bite, savoring it with a nod. You waited, reciting Noct proverbs about pride, patience, and karma in your head.

Valentina: "I want you to be a Guardian for Mist."

Your knife clattered onto the cutting board, and then fell to the ground. You ignored it, and walked to face the lawyer properly.

Sensei: "He survived? Then..."
Valentina: "Lightning in the Wind is dead. He passed the Mantle onto his brother. I assume this is... Unusual?"

You picked up the knife, rattled a metal board beneath the bar, and pulled a small rucksack from a hidden nook in the back. You slung it over one shoulder, and flipped a switch that turned off the neon "Open" sign above the restaurant. Valentina watched with mild interest, all while finishing her ramen. She didn't spill a drop.


Sensei: "Take me to him. I want to see for myself."
Valentina: "Well... That might be complicated."
Sensei: "Show me."


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