Season 2, Episode 3: "Lockette?" Report

General Summary

After finding a 27-year-old bed and breakfast where her home was 8 months ago, Lockette finished recovering from her initial shock, suddenly unsure of who exactly she was, and what about her past was real. The other members of Mining Team 6 gently guided her to the hotel, where they purchased rooms and a hot meal from Rel, a cautious Android that recognized them from the news.   He explained that he had purchased the Fifth Rail from its previous owners 8 months past, and that the building had been constructed on an empty lot after a terrible fire destroyed the block. While this contradicted Lockette's knowledge of the past, the dates seemed suspicious, and after some digging, the party failed to find any informative record of the building's construction, outside a few public permits and a single news article. Rel seemed aware of this, but was content to let the matter be and stay out of trouble.   As the party was leaving, Rel mentioned that another woman was interested in the neighborhood's history a few days past, although he hadn't thought anything of it at the time. He explained that the woman was looking for a starship workshop that was supposed to be in the area, and left in a huff when she couldn't find it, headed towards the industrial districts.   With a hot meal in their bellies, and Abelina's address in their pocket, the party stopped by her penthouse, where police and crime scene tape still covered the area. After failing to get in through conventional means, Chad convinced an elderly Gnome in an adjacent building to let them in, posing as a pimp selling a variety of exotic services... After some questionable activities, the party used a steel cable to cross the gap between the two buildings, and broke into Abelina's apartment.   There, they found a barely lived-in personal space, with a ransacked workshop devoid of any tools or documents. Disheartened by a lack of evidence, Mist gave the room a second sweep, and discovered a silver marble in the corner, which seemed to have a long-range magnetic connection to something to the northwest - towards the warehouses in the industrial district. After triangulating the signal to a red warehouse a few miles away, they decided stealth was the best option. Cornelius went inside first, disabling a guard standing near the exit, and then Mist finished picking the lock, leading the party inside.   Unfortunately, the guard's radio and video equipment quickly put his fellow guards on edge, and soon the warehouse was swarming with guards on alert, looking for any disturbances. While they were eventually found, the party was able to slip away from their pursuers, and sneak into the main storage area through a unique vantage point.   In the storage space, they found an advanced workshop instead, where Abelina and her grandfather worked on the beginning of what appeared to be an Access Beacon. At least a dozen guards watched over them, along with Poppy and a number of strange, aquatic creatures, reminiscent of the servants of the Dark Tapestry.   Mining Team 6 got the drop on their enemies, putting the security forces on their heels, and the frog-like humanoids in a frenzy. The leader among them immediately banished Poppy to another location, much to her distress, and then began mental warfare with Jun Zhao, stopping the Alignmatist from interfering. Abelina seemed overwhelmed with joy at seeing Lockette, and immediately jumped into action, casting spells to help the party, and passing Lockette a silver totem that matched her namesake, which activated some of her latent abilities via Abelina's will.   Together, they rolled the security forces into the dirt, destroying their Access Beacon in an explosion of shrapnel, and escaped with roaring police sirens and furious security forces behind them. As they reached the final door, Jun Zhao seemed to change its planar destination, and the party arrived in a field on the outskirts of Striving, with a small, private home in the distance.  

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • Azimuth Laser Pistol (Balio)
  • Battery (Balio)
  • Keycard (Balio)
  • Robert Paulson's Keycard (Balio)
  • Silver Spindle, Iron Drake (Lockette)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Find Abelina Tremont (Party): Complete!
  • Find Shalema (Tesin): In Progress
  • The Solarions of Idari (Tesin): In Progress
  • Balio's Secret (Mist): In Progress
  • Credentials On My Mind (Chad): In Progress
  • Defeat the Raggedy Man (Chad): In Progress
  • Liberate the Forge (Isra): In Progress
  • Where Are My Keys? (Lockette): In Progress
The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
06 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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