
We see a rainswept path, filled on both sides by a parade of humanoids, with each of their backs turned. The person behind our viewpoint takes a step, their metal joints creaking in the rain.

Langdon: “Sinner!”

A katana lances out from below, cutting the first man on the path. A red mark is emblazoned on his back, the coiled form of a wyrm-like dragon, and the man falls in a spray of blood.

Our viewpoint looks further down the path. All of them are marked, just like the first.

Langdon: “Sinner!”

Old Man Langdon follows the rainswept path, cutting down his sinners, leaving a wake of bodies behind him. For years and years, sure in his path, disgusted by the swarms of debauchery and evil around him.

Then, unbeknownst to poor Langdon, something changes. The mark stays the same, but its origin is different. Someone changes the game, and picks new targets.

But Langdon doesn’t look at the faces anymore. Just the mark.

Langdon: “Sinner!”

Langdon cuts down Lockette Endrinmaster the Xth, her only crime being a wish for freedom.

Langdon: “Sinner!”

Langdon crosses swords with Ferro, but fails to make the kill.

Langdon: “Sinner!”

Langdon cuts another nameless face, staring down the path… And sees Mist in the distance, a trio of symbols on his back. A black handprint, a fiery blessing, and a red dragon mark, ready to take Langdon’s blade.

Our viewpoint takes the first step towards his next goal, and we fade gently out of the dream.


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