Soul Fragment: Gum Drop Button

This round gum drop does not in anyway resemble a traditional button, but contains a soul fragment of the Gum Drop Ooze, and bears a powerful attunement to the First World. It is uncomfortably sticky to the touch, and changes color constantly even when not in view. The item was the main reward of the Jera Runestone trial on the Rambling Road, and was given to @Isra.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This soul fragment must be bonded to a willing creature as part of a ritual that takes 24 hours to complete, and fastened to their armor or clothing in place of an actual button. Once attuned, the bearer gains an immunity to the Paralyzed, Grappled, and Pinned conditions, unless caused by a creature of Saint-level or higher, or a creature with the Ooze descriptor (who now crave your slightly-sticky touch). As a Swift Action, the bearer can tap the Gum Drop Button to turn on-or-off a weak, 300 ft. electromagnetic field, which disables the use of all comm units, cameras, and other basic technological items that require batteries to function.   Once per day as a Swift Action — activated by giving the Gump Drop Button a judicious boop on the exposed end — the button expands to cover the bearer in a rainbow, latex-like goo suit. This form lasts for 3 rounds, and gives the caster either Ooze Immunities or an immunity to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire damage (chosen each activation at the time of booping).   This item does not count against the maximum number of magic items the bearer can utilize at one time, but refuses to be placed in pocket dimensions (e.g. null space chambers).
Item type
Unique Artifact


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