Taking Off

On this night, the dream comes swiftly, ending as soon as it begins. We see the docks of Absalom Station, following a hooded man as he makes his way through the crowd, careful to avoid the wandering eyes of security. He takes his time, waiting in the queue, tensing only as he arrives at Processing.

Without a word, he passes a ticket over the counter, where a gruff-looking attendant examines it over his dirty glasses.

Attendant: "The Vast, huh? Not many headed there these days. Getting dangerous."
Deku Ollivander: "I can take care of myself."

The attendant looks up from the ticket, eyeing Deku up and down.

Attendant: "I suppose you can. Godspeed, son."

Deku nods, taking the punched ticket back from the countertop, and then turns to a charter vessel, a grin barely hidden by his hood...

The dream fades.  


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