The Round Table - Part 1

In the fog of dreams, you spot a figure in the distance, sitting in a chair bolted to the void. The Warden rests in it, hovering in its electromagnetic pulses, and glares at a video station in front of him. Although they are blurred by the fog, you see two distinct faces.     Warden: “They tried to have me killed! And you want me to do nothing?”   Marcus: “Calm, Warden. They got you, plain and simple. But they covered their tracks. It’s not worth losing the subjects. Stay on mission.”   Warden: “But-”   Marcus: “That’s an order, Warden. [sighs] Do we have a top candidate yet?”   Warden: “[Growls, and then huffs] Team 5.”   Uma Pencile: “Inconclusive. Team 5 has the raw strength, but the numbers from 6 are…”   Warden: “You’re picking favorites, Uma. I should have never agreed to hosting a member of your little side project-”   Uma Pencile: “My research is not a side project!”   Marcus: “Gentlemen. You know how I feel about second warnings.”   Uma Pencile: “Yes, of course. I still vote 6. Confluence’s golden boy is wreaking havoc in the rankings, and the Stewards are looking everywhere for that Android. If I could only get an hour with her…”   Warden: “Denied. I understand what you’re saying, but 6 was a moonshot anyway. 5 has been showing consistent numbers for years. And now that the Centurion has moved up the deadline-”   Uma: “We cannot rush this research!”   Warden: “That’s not what we-”     There is a sudden, and ultimate silence, as if all channels had gone on mute.

Marcus: “This conversation is over. I want a decision in the next four weeks. Cull a few of the undesirables if you need to. Just get me a team.”


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