The Round Table - Part 2

In the fog of dreams, you spot a figure in the distance, sitting in a chair bolted to the void. The Warden rests in it, hovering in its electromagnetic pulses, and glares at a video station in front of him. Although they are blurred by the fog, you see three distinct faces.     Alexander Marcus: “This significantly advances the schedule, Warden.”   Warden: “Y- yes, of course. But I have them all under custody. Even Ferro! And Team 5-”   Uma Pencile: “Is the likely candidate, yes. Although I have my reservations about the Ysoki. Perhaps, if we replaced her with the Skittermander from 4…”   Marcus: “Noted. But what of 6?”   Corporal Taxus: “Indeed. What of Isra? I did not send her halfway across the galaxy for her potential to be wasted. Her people have rallied around their ‘martyr’, and fight back twice as hard. We have lost the majority of the Upper Mantle, Marcus.”   Marcus: “I will take care of you, Taxus. Have no fear. Perhaps when this experiment is complete, I will send my new team to sharpen their teeth at the Forge.”   Taxus: “[Laughs] Excellent, Lord Marcus. Excellent. But Isra?”   Warden: “More trouble than she’s worth. To Hell with the numbers, Uma, she is nearly impossible to contain.”   Uma: “Nearly. But not entirely. Although you clearly aren’t up to the task, Warden. I need them awake to collect more data, and I won’t make a recommendation to Marcus without a complete report.”   Warden: “If you wish to release them from my custody, Uma, so be it. But you will take all the blame for any further disruptions. I still haven’t forgotten about that machine gun, or the Fey you were hiding in MY-”   Marcus: “Enough.”   Taxus: “This does not instill confidence, gentlemen. Am I required, Lord Marcus?”   Warden: “Absolutely n-”   Uma: “There is no need-”   Marcus: “No, Taxus. Stay at your post. I think it’s time I took a look myself. Warden, reach out to Captain Ohm. Tell him that I will require lodging on the Jasper, effective immediately. Uma, prepare your lab for a visit. I want to review everything you have, raw data included. I’ll take your report in person.”   Warden/Uma: “Y- Yes, Lord Marcus.”


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