To Me!

Artwork by Bayard Wu
This ability is given to Level 3 players of G.O.L.A.R.I.O.N. with the Party Leader role.


Source: Self
Target: Party
Action: Swift Action
Range: Anywhere on Golarion

Once per day -- resetting with the rising of the sun -- you broadcast your exact location to all the members of your party, and invite them to teleport to you. Each target is given a prompt to teleport, which gives a "Yes" or "No" option, and must be selected within 1 minute of casting (selecting an option is a free action that can be taken on the creature's turn). If the creature does not make a selection before the time is up, the default option is "No".

On selecting "Yes", the party member immediately appears nearby the square in which you cast the spell -- roll 1d8 to determine the direction (with 1 being north, and 8 being northwest) and 1d6 to determine the number of squares from the source. If the roll would put the creature inside a solid object, or in another creature's square, place them in the nearest valid location -- even if that location is not necessarily a safe place to stand (such as over a pit of lava).

Any effect that blocks a creature from teleporting or traversing the planes cancels out the teleport action, but not the prompt. For example, if a party member is standing in an anti-magic circle when this spell is cast, they would still receive the prompt, but if they selected "Yes" immediately, the teleport would be blocked. However, if they were able to escape the field before 1 minute had past, they could select "Yes" at that time, and be affected as normal.


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