Welcome to the Solarions of Idari

As the dust from our first dream fades, we see another dream in the pattern of the remnants. We find ourselves aboard the Idari, in the wood and paper halls of the Solarions, where Tesin bows before seven Kasathas in simple robes. Six glower at her, their lips tight with displeasure, but Nawa Jin does not.   Nawa Jin: “Why do you come to us, Tesin Movahesh? You are an honored guest at the Pradulex Monastery. I am told that you study the scrolls each day, and yet always find more to read. Are the ruminations of our ancestors not enough for you? They will teach you more of the Cycle than we can.”   Tesin: “The scripture is not enough. I- I need to practice it. Reading isn’t the same.”   One of the Kasathas scoffs, whispering something to an elder master at his side. It is he who speaks, disdain dripping from every word.   Adyant: “Our disciples spend years reading the scriptures before they can be called a Solarion disciple. You have been here for two weeks. If not for your sponsors, we would have declined this meeting on principle. What makes you think you are so special?”   Tesin: “I can-”   Adyant: “It was a rhetorical question, scholar. Nawa, she doesn't even know when to speak!”   Nawa Jin: “Master Adyant. I understand that you speak the concerns of several Masters on this council. I myself am still undecided. You cannot deny the strength of this one’s aura.”   Nawa Jin pauses, staring at Tesin’s bowing form for the briefest of seconds, his eyes glinting with a deep understanding of the energies that make up the cosmos.   Nawa Jin: “Tesin Movahesh. Please state your case. If you have the words, use them. If you believe someone of honor can vouch for you, we will contact them. Whatever you think is best, I will personally follow through.”   The camera shifts away from the Masters, and hovers close to Tesin’s face, We see a bead of sweat fall from her brow to the floor. She takes a deep breath, wets her lips, and speaks so that all may hear.   Tesin: “Val-Yuddha.”   The six Masters gasp, and erupt into outraged protest. The Grand Master raises a hand, and all fall silent.   Nawa Jin: “I accept. Master Adyant, I select you as arbiter.”   The elder Kasatha seethes, suddenly at war with his desire to protest, and his duty as the ritual’s judge and executioner. The latter wins out in the end, and the elder finds inner peace, coming to terms with what must be done.   Adyant: “Very well. Tesin Movahesh, your terms?”   Tesin: “If I can land a blow on the Grand Master, I will be permitted to join the Solarions of Idari as a disciple.”   Another round of protests erupt from the Masters, but this time it is Master Adyant that raises a hand. All fall silent. Master Nawa Jin smiles mischievously.   Nawa Jin: “You have sixty seconds. If the time runs out before you land a blow, the duel is over, and you lose. If I win the duel, you will leave the Idari on the next ship home, and stay away for a year and a day. Agreed?”   Tesin swallows hard, but her expression remains cool. She nods, and rises from the floor, pulling a familiar dagger from a hidden pocket in her belt. The Masters all rise on edge, reaching for the motes flying about their heads, but Nawa Jin merely shrugs, and walks forward onto the wood floor. He does not draw a weapon, and places all four of his hands beside his back.   Adyant: “Begin!”   Tesin dashes forward, but at the last moment slides onto her knees, swinging the dagger at the Grand Master’s ankles - but the Kasatha is gone. Tesin turns to find the Solarion on the other side of the room, calmly waiting and unharmed. With a snarl she kips up from the floor, hurls the dagger at the Kasatha, and follows the blade with a flying kick. Nawa Jin catches the blade, swiftly tucking it into his sleeves as he returns his arm behind his back, and dodges the kick with a single step.   But Tesin is no Kasathan whelp, high on pride. She rolls with the kick, and is up from the floor in seconds, throwing punches as the seconds tick by, and Nawa Jin dodges each and every one. The Masters grow smug in their corner, watching the Lashunta fail to land even the lightest of blows, and Nawa Jin weaves about Tesin, like two dancers twirling to an ensemble. Master Adyant looks as the countdown on his watch dips into the single digits, and then two things happen at once. One is seen by all. The second is seen only by us, as the Haze provides clarity.   Tesin reaches out a hand as Nawa Jin steps back, the edges of her fingers barely missing his cloak. The Lashunta looks at that fading fabric in desperation, [pause] and then a psychic knife erupts from her finger. The Haze focuses as Nawa Jin’s mote spins around his back to intercept, well-ahead of the knife, and then slows…. The psychic knife slides across Nawa Jin’s skin, and a single drop of blood flies across the room, landing on the floor before Master Adyant. The only sound in the room is Tesin’s heaving breaths.   Nawa Jin: “Welcome to the Solarions of Idari, Disciple Tesin. Your journey begins.”   Then the dream fades, and we return to the present.


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