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Weak Alone, but Strong in Numbers; Slaves to Stronger Masters

"I used to believe I was meant to be a slave, meant to grovel at their feet. Thought I was happy to do their dirty work and kiss the bloody tips of their swords. But then I felt magic in my veins, bested a Dragonborn warrior in combat, and knew I was meant for something more."
— Kava, a Kobold Sorceress


Life for Kobolds is neither easy nor fair. As the lowest caste in Draconic Society, Kobolds are treated as cheap labor and cannon fodder by most Dragonborn, and offered little to no respect. They are seen as weak and pathetic creatures, not worthy of anything above grunt work. Whilst this may be true for some Kobolds, the vast majority of Kobolds are underestimated. Simply put, what Kobolds lack in strength, they make up for with craftiness.

Overlooked and Underestimated

Kobolds are a naturally passive species, preferring to solve their problems through diplomacy instead of violence. However, there are times when diplomacy is simply not an option. Whilst at a glance Kobolds may not seem like a threat, one who underestimates a Kobold is making a foolish mistake. Kobolds, whilst usually passive and submissive, can get incredible violent when they need to. Messing with a Kobold is like poking a sleeping bear, and when faced with life or death, Kobolds will do anything to stay alive.

A Religion of Servitude

Almost all Kobolds are followers of the deity Yiparities, the god of service and self sacrifice. Followers of Yiparities believe that there is no greater good than helping others and giving your services to another. The Dragonborn have weaponized this belief against the Kobolds, essentially making them into slaves. They are forced to work difficult jobs for minimum pay, and endure the often times cruel treatment of the Dragonborn. In return, they are promised safety, and are allowed to freely practice their religion. Many Kobolds put up with treatment because of their religious beliefs, their aversion to conflict, and the safety it provides, however there are some who disapprove of the slave philosophies of Yiparities, and leave Dragonborn society in search of a better life.

Playing a Kobold

If you want to play a Kobold there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, Kobolds have a very important connection to the Dragonborn. Understanding how your Kobold sees and interacts with the Dragonborn is crucial to their character, as it's incredibly rare for a Kobold's life to not be affected by the Dragonborn in some way. Other things to consider are your Kobold's views on Yiparities, your Kobolds reason for leaving Dragonborn servitude, and their attitude towards violence.


Kobold Statblock


Often overlooked and underestimated, Kobolds are peace loving creatures who when forced into a corner will fight tooth and nail for their lives. Whilst they may be small, they are clever creatures who look out for their own.
ability score increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1
age: ~60 years
Size: Small
speed: 30 feet
Languages: Common, Draconic
race features:

You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Draconic Cry

As a bonus action, you let out a cry at your enemies within 10 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies have advantage on attack rolls against any of those enemies who could hear you. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself.

Draconic Sorcery

You know one cantrip of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for that cantrip (choose when you select this race).

Pack Tactics

You also have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. At 3rd level you can take the Help action as a bonus action.

Quick Reference Guide


Quick Build Info

  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Average Lifespan: ~60 years
  • Size: Medium Creature
  • Height: 2 to 3 feet tall
  • Scale Color: Rusty Red, Green

    Together Strong

    Kobolds may be weak on their own, but they shine in numbers. They are incredibly good at working with others and getting things done quickly. Amongst Kobolds, and those who get to know Kobolds well, there is almost a sixest sense that makes working towards a common goal easier. A Kobold will essentailly know immeditatly why someone they know did a certain thing, and knows exactly the next steps to take to maximize their efforts.


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