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Mark of Cavum

Created after the Aurelium War, a bloody 300 year conflict between the Aurelies Alliance and the Dracovian Empire, the Mark of Cavum is a Magic Tatoo which acts as peace treaty/constitution, binding those who wear it to it's rules. Given to the Monarchs of each Nation, the mark dictates their absolute obediance with 8 decrees, each meant to keep peace and promote prosperity within Cavum. The decrees of the Mark are as follows:

  1. The Monarchs shall honor all people's rights to Aurum's light
  2. The Monarchs shall not enter into unjust conflicts
  3. The Monarchs will do what is best for their people
  4. The Monarchs shall not encroach on each others land
  5. The Monarchs must give free passage to all peoples
  6. The Monarchs will free their slaves, and enslave no further peoples
  7. The Monarchs will give aid to any nation in need
  8. The Monarchs must pass down this Mark to the Monarch next to take their place

The Mark of Cavum was given to each of the Monarchs of Cavum after the surrender of the Machevulim Empire, after the Aurelium Allies seized control of the capital and ended the war. Each of the Monarchs bearing the mark has no choice but to obey its rules, and thus cannot do anything that would break them. However these rules do not apply to the citizens of a nation who do not bear the mark. If a citizen of a nation breaks the rule of the Mark, it is up to the nations government to punish that citizen accordingly. If this is not done, other Monarchs have the obligation to do so.

The Mark of Cavum must be passed down from Monarch to Monarch. If a Monarch dies without passing on the Mark, the other Monarch's will intuitively know this, and along with the nation now lacking a Monarch, elect a new Monarch and give them the Mark.

The Mark of Cavum


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