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Mistreated and Misunderstood; Bloodlines Cursed by Incredible Evil

"People see these horns on our heads and immediately think that we're evil or something. They see something physical about us and assume that means something about us morally. Yes, we do have some fucked up demonic shit in our heritage. I'm sure you've got some fucked up evil people in your heritage to. You just don't have to wear that evil like a crown..."
— Ea Nowhere


Tieflings are the black cats of Cavum: A normal species with many negative stereotypes surrounding them. With physical features resembling Demons and Devils, Tieflings are seen as threats by many, and pushed away from society. Tieflings are most commonly found in run down slums or hidden communities in bustling cities. In areas like these they may live in small communities, however Tieflings are generally loners, not by nature but by necessity. Having a community of Tieflings is often cause for more trouble than it's worth.


Cursed by Evil acts

Tieflings are not a naturally occurring species; they are cursed not created. A Tieflings is born when any sapient species beholden to Aurum commits an act that the goddess deems completely unforgivable. This unforgivable act, called an Atrocity, is then claimed by one of the Major gods of Evil: Asmodeus, Erebus, or Lilith. Depending on the god that claims the Atrocity, a sapient creature becomes one of the three types of Tiefling: Asmodean, Ebyssal, and Illithian.


Asmodeus Tiefling

Asmodeus Tieflings are most often created when an Atrocity is done in accordance with the rules and traditions created by others. Most Asmodeus Tieflings are created when someone does dealings with a Devil, or does something of great evil on orders from another. Asmodeus Tieflings are the most common type of Tiefling found in Cavum, as Asmodeus is the most likely to claim an atrocity, and as such a Tiefling.

Asmodeus Tieflings have features resembling devils. Along with their signature Horns they have red skin, spines along their back, and a devils tail are common Asmodeus Tiefling features. Asmodeus Tieflings get magical abilities from Asmodeus's curse, allowing them to call upon the fiery power of the 9 Hells.


Ebyssal Tiefling

Ebyssal Tieflings are most often created when any sapient species commits an Atrocity for no reason other than causing chaos and destruction. Those who thoughtlessly destroy and cause great suffering are most likely to become Ebyssal Tieflings. The god of Darkness and Destruction Erebus claims these Tieflings, giving them magical chaotic powers. Ebyssal Tieflings often have features resembling Demons. Along with their signature Tiefling horns, they often have brown or grey skin, tusks, fur, or other beastly features.


Illithian Tiefling

Illithian Tieflings are most often created when a sapient species commits an Atrocity to satisfy their own twisted desires. Those who act on their own darkest thoughts are most likely to become Illithian Tieflings. The goddess of Evil Lilith claims these Tieflings, giving them magical abilities which allow them to worm their way into the minds of others, bending them to their will. Whilst Illithian Tieflings do have horns, they are not solid like the horns of other Tieflings, instead being more akin to a tentacle. These horns can change shape and color depending on how the Tiefling is feeling, or how they want themselves to be portrayed. Aside from their unique horns, they often have purple skin and possess great beauty.


Playing a Tiefling

If you want to play a Tiefling there are a few things to consider. Firstly, make sure you clearly identify what type of Tiefling you are (Asmodeus, Ebyssal, or Illithian). Secondly, determine what species you were before becoming a tiefling. This species doesn't change any of your stats, however it does affect how your character looks, and how their life may have played out. Some other things to consider are a Tiefling's bloodline, if they committed an Atrocity or if it was one of their ancestors, and whether a Tiefling has any "dark urges", due to them being a Tiefling.


Tiefling Statblock


With blood cursed by the evil gods, Tieflings have demonic features which frighten many. Whilst Tieflings aren't inherently evil, each Tiefling can trace their heritage back to an evildoer who forever tainted their bloodline.
ability score increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1
age: Dependant on average age of original species
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common and one Lineage Language
race features:

You have Darkvision with a range of 60ft

Unsettling Aura

You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. When you cast it with this trait, the Spell uses the same spellcasting ability you use for your Tiefling Legacy trait.

Tiefling Legacy

Due to an act of extrodinary evil, either commited by yourself or one of your ancestors, your blood has been cursed by one of the Major Evil Gods. Choose one of the Tiefling Legacies:

Asmodues Tiefling
  • You have resistence to Fire Damage
  • You know Infernal
  • Due to your connection to Asmodues you can cast the Fire Bolt cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast Hellish Rebuke and at 5th level you can cast Darkness
  • Ebyssal Tiefling
  • You have resistence to Necrotic Damage
  • You know Abyssal
  • Due to your connect to Erebus you can cast the Primal Savagery cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast Chaos Bolt and at 5th level you can cast Crown Of Madness
  • Illithian Tiefling
  • You have resistence to Psychic Damage
  • You know Deep Speech
  • Due to your connect to Lilith you can cast the Mind Sliver cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast Command or Charm Person (choose when you select the lineage), and at 5th level you can cast Hold Person

    Starting at 3rd level and again at 5th level, you gain the ability to cast a higher-level Spell with this trait. Once you cast the Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level.   Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the Spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the lineage).

    Quick Reference Guide


    Quick Build Guide

  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Average Lifespan: Lifespan of origin species
  • Size: Size of origin species
  • Height: Height of origin species
  • Common Physical Characteristics:
  • Asmodeus Tieflings: Horns, Red Skin, Spines, tail   Ebyssal Tieflings: Horns, Grey to Brown skin, occasionally other beastly features   Illithian Tieflings: Tentacle Horns, Blue to Purple skin


    Optional Feature: Dark Urges

    Some Tieflings are more suseptiable to the curse of the evil gods than others. This suseptibility can lead to them experiencing something called a "Dark Urge". These dark urges vary between tiefling varients, however they all originate and relate to the evil god that cursed their bloodline. If you want to play with this feature, work with your DM to come up with a fun and balanced way to implement your desired dark urge. These dark urges could be mechanically relevant, or simply an aspect of how you roleplay your character.


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