House Faerwyn

by Isolus
House Faerwyn is one of the Eight Great Houses of Ardunia. They belong to the pure snow elf bloodline, believing to possess ancestry all the way to the 10,000 BT. They were most known for their advancements in the areas of astronomy and the arcane sciences up until the later years of the First Dawn age. Their position with the study of the sciences lead them to create the first calendar based on the paths of the celestial bodies. A quiet people, they were recorded to be wise in the ways of the stars yet unfamiliar to the ways of war.   Historians believe the fall of House Faerwyn was due internal conflicts over poor leadership, religious conflicts related to several wood elf diasporas in their southern regions and the divisions of its once enormous size. It's believed that there is only one Faerwyn alive after the 1st Greygore Invasions, the young heir prince Valentine Faerwyn.

Public Agenda

Following the Sacking of Vyrthur in 1363, the last remnants of the Snow Elves have barricaded themselves within the walled city to recover. It's believed that the city itself has some magical charm set in place by the council's most powerful sorcerers, though many doubt the Snow Elves to be capable of such magic without the aid of some exterior power. Due to their loss at the Battle of Isola, the council has unanimously decided that all foreign policies be halted until the young prince comes to age and further certainty of their future has been secured.   This policy forbid foreign contact, thus denying aid to the Wood Elves and the Folk Folk during the The Normandy Crusades and the start of the 2nd Greygore Invasion.
by Laeron Celamra
Leslenor Faerwyn, First King of the Vyrthurians
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