Dancitron Building / Landmark in The Chosen Stars: Earth, 2022 | World Anvil
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An honest-to-Primus nightclub, and one of the few places most Mission City residents might brave the Back Alley for.   Cover charge is 15 cr or 300 kpx.   Within, the oily ex-Autobot Brownie manages the bar.   Drinks available: -Metroplexian- 20cr/400kpx. -GNNTNX- 20cr/400kpx -Galactic- 40cr/800kpx -Luna2-15cr/300kpx


A large, open dance floor dominates the main level. At the far end of the dance floor is the DJ's booth. To the left is Brownie's bar. Against the back walls are two spiral ramps that lead up to the second floor, with an elevator (for the same purpose) between them. The second floor consists of a wrap-around balcony that overlooks the dance floor, surrounded by VIP lounges.
Dance club
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