Treadbolt Character in The Chosen Stars: Earth, 2022 | World Anvil
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Treadbolt is the leader of the Panzer Soldaten, though it is not her first mercenary job. A member of the Stormtrooper caste on L, she and her parents fled the authoritarian regime of Galvatron to Imperial space, where Treadbolt's desire to fight led her to becoming a soldier of fortune in the many proxy wars.   Eventually, Treadbolt encountered Overlord, and together they founded the Eclipse Security Group. This PMC was quite successful, but ultimately collapsed after their involvement in the Trypticon Affair in Miami. Treadbolt then headed west, and used her experience to found the Panzer Soldaten.   Treadbolt's large stature and bristling firepower cuts an imposing figure, and most would be right to be afraid of her. A shrewd mercenary whose loyalty is easily purchased, Treadbolt keeps up a professional, if somewhat predatory, demeanor. In battle, Treadbolt is an excellent tactician and a pragmatist, using the most efficient means of dispatching opponents at her disposal.   Treadbolt does have a weakness-- human sweets and pastries. She developed an addiction to them while working for Eclipse in Florida, and now diverts a portion of her cut for missions into a private stash of cakes and cookies.

Physical Description

Body Features

Alternate Mode-- Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausführung E "Tiger E"
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization

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