A.I.M Environmental Suits

Just be sure to adjust the settings to your suit before you head out, or you won't find your trip to be pleasant - A.I.M Maintenance
  The Adaptable Imitation Module, or A.I.M for short, is a revolutionary piece of software and machinery designed to protect its wearer from harm in any environment that may be harmful to them without having an environmental suit to protect them from harm. Most environmental suits, be they chemical or space, only offer the bare minimum to keep their wearer alive and not deal with the consequences in case of contamination or breaching of their suit, often falling apart once they are overwhelmed by hazards in that environment. What A.I.M does to avoid this is by modifying the suit's design to compensate for the environment by deciding which modifications need to be added to a suit to function properly and regulate temperature and air to better deal with emergencies.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The module is much smaller than expected and is often just an attachment to the suit's electronics system. Still, before that can be done, it must take an environmental sample of the current environment to analyze and process the necessary steps to ensure the wearer's protection from harm, often asking for the suit to be modified to be in the best condition possible. Once completed, it is attached to the suit and monitors the suit's integrity and with responding safety measures should any damage be inflected on it to save the wearer.


A.I.M modules are commonly used in most environmental suits as they are known for their highly advanced software system that does not require an A.I. system to function correctly, but rather a rudimentary analyzer and a vast memory bank within the module to bring up the necessary modifications for the suit and a means to protect the wearer in the suit should it be damaged. It is a much cheaper alternative than more advanced software, and nations and companies use it to ensure their people are adequately protected from harm.
Item type

Cover image: by Jester%


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Jul 23, 2024 04:15 by Gege Escriva

Interesting one! Most of the items I've seen are physical ones, but it is refreshing to find one that's a combo of software plus a small piece of hardware. I also see it as something that could exist irl sometime in the future.

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