Dominion Regional Defense Forces

We all have a part to play in protecting our homes and people; no matter our differences, our unity will strengthen us.- Knight Captain Fron Hober
  The D.R.D.F is a vast military defense force established to protect the state of the Phoenixian Dominions. Renowned for their cooperative efforts, rigorous training, and unyielding dedication, the defense forces stand as the first and last line of defense against any threats to the Dominions' peace and security.


Formed By Uncertainty

  In the rise of progress and the chaotic Age of Sparks, many changes began as the world continued to globalize and form greater cooperation with its continents and neighboring states. So did the Phoenixian Dominions, who headed the call to this time as many uncertainties became aware of the possible dangers of more significant-scale wars and terrorism that could reach its shores unknowingly. Each Domminon had varying defenses and securities to counteract these threats; however, all lacked the same degree of cooperation and training to combat such dangers. However, through the wisdom of the High Council of Seven, it saw that reforms were needed to protect its states and people from any danger that may come its way as armies could not always be mustered and used in times of peace should a threat come quickly to act. Thus, the D.R.D.F was founded to find better cooperation and a main branch of security that all could stand behind to deal with any threat that brought danger to their homelands.

Historical loyalties

While most defense forces maintain loyalties to their Dominions, their cooperation has allowed them to understand what their unity has achieved over the years, and they are willing to defend all Dominions from all threats by any individual or state that may pose it.
8A 3241
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Jester%


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Aug 7, 2024 05:07 by Marjorie Ariel

I'm glad they were able to find a way to unite!