Gene Reconstruction

It is a revolutionary thing we have achieved; with just several visits, patients will never have to worry about genetic diseases once we remove the bad genes with new ones. - Gene Modder
  One of the most advanced forms of medical science available, Gene Reconstruction, is a form of genetic surgery that is designed to aid patients who are suffering from genetic diseases that often lead to mental and deadly diseases over time. This practice uses a detailed scan of a person's genome to find and remove damaged or mutated genes and replace them with healthy ones to allow them to live without worrying about suffering from said diseases later on.


Gene Reconstruction is mainly used to improve health by often replacing bad genes with good ones, though cloning a patient's DNA to avoid gene rejection by modifying it to be healthy and preventing genetic diseases using lasers and sequencers to remove and transplant genes into their proper place. However, technology has perverted by using it alter DNA to prolong life and added new genes to enhance them called Gene Splicing often leading to troubling results which is healivy regulated to ensure that they are not used for political and military uses.

Social Impact

Many lives have been saved by using Gene Reconstruction to end problems of genetic diseases that lie dormant or are passed down to allow people to live longer and healthier lives without worrying about health problems as they get older.
Access & Availability
Gene Reconstruction is only available to those who have received the proper education and authorization to deal with such a complicated procedure, as most have medical degrees to do this.
It often takes a deep understanding of DNA and the layout of genomes to appropriately target bad genes, which requires accurate precision. In addition, handling susceptible equipment is necessary to ensure the procedure works.

Cover image: by Jester%


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