H.A.Z Cleaners

I don't do it all for the pay, you know; I have two kids, and the last thing I want them to get sick from the stuff around this dump. - H.A.Z Cleaner
  The Hazardous Antipollution Zone Cleaner, or H.A.Z, is a state-controlled clean organization in Gear Nation whose purpose is to remove hazardous material waste and decontaminate areas that have suffered from pollution. This line of work is considered one of the nation's most dangerous and dirty jobs, as the cleaners are constantly dealing with hazardous chemical spills and radiation-contaminated areas as they attempt to repair the damage they cause. Most who take up this line of work often suffer from health problems if exposed to much contamination; the only upside to this job is the pay that comes with it.



Most H.A.Z Cleaners must understand the hazardous waste they must remove and contain thoroughly without leaking or contaminating it. Exact knowledge of chemistry can also be helpful when dealing with chemicals involved to ensure they don't cause a situation if particular chemicals mix to create an explosive chain reaction. Weapons training is also necessary in case of possible chemicals infecting people and animals that cause mutations and aggressiveness to anything in sight, as well as anyone attempting to steal said chemicals for other uses.

Payment & Reimbursement

Most teams are paid wages that depend on how much waste they manage to remove and sanitize the contaminated area.

Other Benefits

All cleaners are given an excellent healthcare package should they get sick from exposure to hazardous waste.



H.A.Z Cleaners are given the task of cleaning up the damaged landscape of Gear Nation known as the Barrenlands that has existed for tens of millennia and to ensure that no more contaminate it or its settlements.

Social Status

Most find the job a bit unsettling, considering the active danger involved with removing chemical waste and other dangerous materials.


Dangers & Hazards

Exposure to hazardous waste can always result in sickness, injury, or even death if one is not careful.
Alternative Names
Chem Cleaners, Spooks
It is a government-sanctioned operation within Gear Nation and other Dominions if needed, yet has no jurisdiction globally unless given special permission.

Cover image: by Jester%


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