Hazardous Wastes

You really have to be careful when walk around here the stuff that was dumped here may be thousands of years old, but its still can make your insides melt - Gear Barrenlander
  Among the many inhospitable regions that make sense up the Barrenlands of Gear Nation, the Hazardous Wastes are considered the most dangerous of environments to meet foot in. This is mainly due to the tens of millennia of pollution that has been caused by reckless technological expansion by the Gears ancestors in their early days. While much of the Barrenlands have suffered some form of pollution that affects their overall environment, the Hazardous Wastes have been categorized as an uninhabitable zone, devoid of life. Fumes and irritated soil can kill any living thing in a span of minutes without protection of any kind. Making it one of the most inhospitable places in the world that most stay clear of.

Localized Phenomena

Toxic Fumes: The air is no longer breathable, making it dangerous to inhale as it can kill a person in minutes, leading to an agonizing death unless proper breathing devices are in use and can cause acid rain if they made contact with clouds.   Bio Dust Storms: The dangerous sand dust storms of the Barren lands often carry its winds to the wastes and create a chemical hazard as dust filled with harmful material can cause devastation should anything be caught in it.   Sludge Pits: The ground itself from the mass population has become unstable in most places, with places that were once water now filled with pits of sludge that can swallow a person whole should fall in or dissolve them should it be corrosive.   Bio Explosions: Much of the chemicals that are found in the wastes are flammable, and the slightest flame or mixture can lead to an explosion or massive fire to spread poison across the air that causes sickness and injury to all caught in it unprotected.


Land of Waste

  Everything that has ever transpired in the desire for technological advancement is a result of this vast dead ground of chemical and fumes for all who look upon its wretched landscape. To how this all transpired into such a disaster of such magnitude has been lost to time as no other place in the Barrenlands have seen such poisoning to the earth. Yet most have had theories made such as an experiment gone wrong to a dumping site to explain the volatile state in which the land is now. All that it is now is a place that few people dare go to as single step can easily be their last. Even being sealed off from the rest of the nation to avoid any of its dangerous hazards from spreading to its neighboring regions.   This isn't always doable considering the area needed to maintain the perimeter requires a large amount of manpower and resources. Along with the constants, problems involved inside from, chemical fires to acid rain have made it a dangerous job for anyone to do. Which is why groups of H.A.Z Cleaners are sent in to lower the damage caused by the region contamination. This is considered one of the most lethal jobs to have in the world considering the materials that fill it can kill someone with ease or give them health problems for life should they become exposed to it. Yet some hope that one day their land can be healed once the poison that has killed it can be removed, but for now the only priority is to contain it so it cannot spread to other areas outside of it.
Alternative Name(s)
Toxic Wastes, Deathly Wastes
Owning Organization


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