Lancer Base

This place has been standing since the war, and it will continue to stand as long as needed to aid the rebuilding of this continent. - Lord Marshal Ren Devol
  Once an M.O.B carrier during the war, it has been dismantled to become a functional military base for keeping peace under the Canagar Accords. Its purpose is to ensure that reconstruction efforts are not hindered and provisional settlements are protected from all dangers in Western Canagar. It is often considered one of the most secure bases on the continent, with high-level security and a vast military present there to deter any attackers.

Purpose / Function

Originally a forward operating base to aid the front lines during the Shadow Wars, it now stands as a permanent military base used to keep the peace on the continent of Canagar by giving it security and protection for its native inhabitant who has been rebuilding their homeland since the conflict ended.


Waging War To Keeping the Peace

  During the Shadow Wars, when the Phoenixian Dominions began making headway for the coalition forces to retake Canagar from the Empire of Shadows. A forward M.O.B operating base was stationed to aid in supplying and maintaining military forces heading towards the frontline, often being called Lance Base for being responsible for penetrating enemy lines like a calvary lance, leaving an open wound behind to allow the coalition forces to make further enter enemy territory. After the war, it is now just a military base used by the Dominions to aid the rebuilding of the continent. Much of the duties of Lancer Base are to ensure that a military presence is kept in the region and that chaos does not erupt due to limited resources and a lack of standing governments governing the area. Leaving a provisional military government running the day-to-day problems in the region and ensuring that a local government can finally be established to help return the continent to some normalcy.


Many people who come in and out of the base are military personnel, with very few civilians allowed access to it for security reasons, except government personnel, who are often allowed to deal with regional problems and speak to military command.
Military base / complex
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Jester%


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