Liquid Space Rations

You know, I can understand the harsh conditions of space can be taxing to our supplies, but could they at least give us options to add flavor to this crap. - Space Miner
  Once commonly used as a food substance during the early days of solar exploration, liquid rations were a basic need for survival in the hostile conditions of space. Food was nonexistent, and the means of preserving and storing it were also tricky. That is why the only way to make it work was to liquefy and freeze it to extend its expiration. Nowadays, the liquid ration is only used for emergency use and long-term deployment on remote stations and worlds when supplies take months to arrive to ensure one's survival.


A Necessary Step

  Everyone knew that when the ships went beyond Zanpha, it was a dangerous task to explore a brand-new frontier that no one knew about. While everyone ensured that ships were airtight and that electronics worked properly to ensure survivability, some began to question how to feed their exonauts to get where they needed to go. Since ships took months to travel across the vacuum of space to get where they needed to be, running out of food was a death sentence. Many states considered dehydrated food to better preserve rations, and using water to hydrate seemed to be a good combination. Yet some saved space by coming into a heavily nutrient-fill combination to deal with space and maintain hydration more efficiently. Soon enough, almost space-faring nations used this setup to better ensure the welfare of their crews as they continued to improve their ships of the centuries.


Due to the dangers of space, liquid rations have become a standard way of eating in space, especially when people cannot eat solid food that can quickly spoil if not refrigerated properly.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

Cover image: by Jester%


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