Void Nomads

The world never wanted us, so we took our chances in the void among the stars - Nomad Captain
  Amongst the planets and the asteroids of the Zandarii System, people wander the cold and lifeless space as if they have no other place to go. They are lost and abandoned by the world that bore them, bringing only pain and ruin to their lives. They have given up their pasts and heritage as they left Zanphra for the stars, seeking to find peace in the void where nothing lives to cause harm to others. These Void Nomads are people who come from all places to live a life that is free from the cruelty of the world and the games that its inhabitants play in their games of power. Space is the only place now that they believe can have peaceful lives without the worries of the current state of the world, and will continue to wander till the void itself takes them.


Shared customary codes and values

Lost Children of Zanphra: Being a Void Nomad is not a thing to be proud of, for it is a sign that one has had a hard life to end up in the cold vacuum of space. Most are from people who have lost their homes to war, natural disasters, and other difficulties of the modern world. Rather than deal with them any longer, they decided to take their chances in deep space amongst astral bodies of the solar system, believing they had a better opportunity out there than on a habitable planet.   Deep Space Wanders: Void Nomads are always on the move in space; they never like to stay in one place for too long, being considered bad luck as they are usually in someone's jurisdiction when gathering supplies and fuel to maintain their ships. This gives them a better chance of surviving out in space as they have learned the ins and outs of the solar system, knowing where to travel without encountering trouble and where to find minerals and other materials to harvest to maintain their fleets while not being dependent on others.

Average technological level

The Nomad's entire technological knowledge is centered around maintaining and using their starships to stay alive, knowing the ins and outs of a ship's requirements to stay functioning and the tools and materials needed to ensure that it does not fall apart.

Cover image: by Jester%


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Aug 11, 2024 18:16

I really like the idea of a people that's actually an amalgamation of different peoples around the system. It'd be interesting to know whether they get to create their own "rituals" even while constanty on the move.