
Divine Domains

Whispers from the Abyss: Chelarok communicates with his followers through eerie whispers that echo through the minds of his chosen servants. These whispers convey forbidden knowledge, dark prophecies, and cryptic guidance, serving as a conduit between his realm and the mortal world.   Tide of Shadows: Chelarok's influence extends beyond the physical realm, casting a shadowy veil over the minds of his devotees. Through rituals and incantations, his followers can tap into this tide of shadows, cloaking themselves in darkness and weaving illusions to deceive their enemies.   Cult of the Deep: Chelarok's cultists form secretive cabals dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the ocean's depths and invoking his favor. They conduct dark rites and sacrifices to appease their enigmatic deity, offering up souls and treasures in exchange for arcane knowledge and power.   Siren's Enchantment: Chelarok's haunting melodies of the Siren's Song ensnare warlocks into symbiotic pacts, binding their souls to the abyssal depths. In exchange for loyalty, he grants mastery over dark sea magic, empowering them to manipulate currents, command creatures, and lure victims to their doom. Through this pact, warlocks become conduits of Chelarok's wrath, wielding the primal forces of the sea to sow chaos in his name.   Shroud of Madness: Chelarok shrouds his followers in a cloak of madness, granting them immunity to the fear and terror that plague the minds of lesser mortals. His devotees embrace the chaos of the abyss, reveling in the insanity that fuels their dark ambitions.   In the distant reaches of Outer darkness, Chelarok serves as a harbinger of forbidden knowledge and eldritch power, guiding his followers through the shadows and whispers of the abyss. His cults and warlocks are bound to him by dark pacts, tapping into his otherworldly influence to wield supernatural abilities and unravel the mysteries of the deep.


Chelarok's Clockwork Crab Crafted by the devout followers of Chelarok, the Clockwork Crab is a common artifact among those who worship the Enigmatic Tide Lord. Resembling a small, robotic crab with mechanical limbs and intricate gears, it serves as a symbol of devotion and connection to the abyssal depths.   Made of darkened steel and adorned with subtle sea-themed engravings, the Clockwork Crab is powered by simple clockwork mechanisms. Followers of Chelarok use it for various mundane tasks, such as underwater exploration or performing rituals related to the sea.   While not inherently powerful, the Clockwork Crab holds significance for Chelarok's followers, serving as a reminder of their allegiance to the Enigmatic Tide Lord and their connection to the mysteries of the ocean's depths.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crab Claw with Multiple Eyes:  It depicts a stylized crab claw adorned with numerous eyes of varying sizes and colors. The claw is typically depicted in a dynamic pose, as if reaching out from the depths of the abyss. The eyes symbolize Chelarok's all-seeing gaze, which watches over his followers and peers into the darkest corners of the mortal world. This symbol is often used in religious iconography, ritualistic artifacts, and sacred texts associated with the worship of Chelarok.

Physical Description

Body Features

Chelarok's upper torso resembles that of a human, but any semblance of familiarity ends there. Instead of flesh, its torso is encased in a thick, chitinous exoskeleton reminiscent of a giant crab, adorned with intricate patterns and rugged protrusions. Its arms extend from this carapace, ending in massive pincers that could crush bone with ease. all along it's body are Eyes of varying sizes and colors dot its carapace, glittering malevolently like stars in the night sky.   Continuing downwards, Chelarok's lower body seamlessly merges with the form of a colossal crustacean. Six spindly legs, each tipped with razor-sharp points, scuttle with uncanny agility over rocky terrain or through the murky depths. Along with the multitude of eyes, varying in size and color, giving it an unsettling, all-seeing gaze. that continue along its tail   Its tail section, which extends behind it like a monstrous lobster's appendage. Tipped with a vicious stinger and lined with rows of barbed spines, this tail is a lethal weapon capable of impaling prey with deadly accuracy.

Facial Features

Where a human face should be, there is only the visage of a monstrous crab, with multiple eyes glittering malevolently beneath a crown of serrated ridges. Its mandibles click and clack menacingly as if yearning to rend flesh from bone.
Divine Classification
Ancient Elder Ones
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
thick, chitinous exoskeleton reminiscent of a giant crab


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