
Racial Traits: +2 dex +1 Str Advantage on being charmed. Proficiency with primative weapons. Wild Running: They can climb trees at there normal movement speed. As a bonus action you can use your hands to help propel you forward during a move action. While in this state your walking speed increases to 40ft. You cannot use any item in your hands during this movement Description: Mask o f the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.   Crannfain are much more Feral than there other cousins. Their skin light to dark or tan but always with a greenish hue . They tend to stay in the trees and will only come down in special need to interact with the lower folk . Crannfain are a friendly people & will have many jokes & songs to sing but they do tend to stay to themselves only because they see others as to needy. They do not have much trust in other species but they do admire the elves and druids. They do not have the concept of private possession so when they find something that they like they often will just take it. To them nothing belongs to anyone . They will always ask before taking, as they want to make sure you still don't need it. If you don't have something you need all you have to do is ask someone that does have it and they would give it to you in the time of need. They can easily camouflage themselves in the forest and are natural hunters. They are a curious race and are constantly getting themselves in trouble by sticking their nose in business they shouldn't. Unlike their cousins who have taken on a more community aspect and the laws of other cultures living closer to the forest floor, They avoid most large social gatherings and are almost never seen in a city, as they are never sure what belongs to who.. They tend to stay in the family units and do not gather in large communities but they do live in close proximity of each other for safety reasons.             Psychological:                         Daily life:             Physical:             Relations:             Alignment:             Lands:             Religion:             Language             Names: Tribe names:             Reason to Adventure: Society & Culture:             Arts & Crafts:             Magic & Technology:             Tribal Structure: Delayn is the title of Leader             Power Struggles:                         Religion: Alignment gods, Many worship trees or druid worship                         Environment: Climate/Region: Moderate & Tropical/Forest & Jungle Cities: Capitol : Important People: Important Groups:                         Family Names:             Agenda:             Structure:             Symbol:             Membership:             Benefits:             Relations outside of group:             Role-playing Application:                         Class:
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