
The Shapeshifter of Fear

Fain, the Shapeshifter of Fear, is a complex and enigmatic deity within the pantheon of Glosmordin.   Fain's Nature: Fain is a Neutral Evil deity, and her essence embodies the transformative power of fear, ingenuity, and self-interest. She is often portrayed as a figure of great complexity, weaving together elements of both darkness and illumination. Her influence extends to Nightmares, Wars, Ingenuity, Disappointment, Jealousy, and Selfishness.   Physical Representation: Fain is often depicted as a shapeshifter, mirroring her domain over fear and transformation. Her physical appearance is elusive, changing with the observer's fears and desires. However, she is commonly associated with a Dark black stallion, which symbolizes the "Night Mare." This creature represents her power to shape-shift and inspire both fear and self-discovery.   Personality: Fain's personality is multifaceted, reflecting her alignment and the spheres she governs. She is cunning and manipulative, using her powers to challenge and transform those who encounter her. Yet, she is not malevolent; rather, she thrives on the transformative potential of fear and the personal growth it can bring. Fain is a deity who encourages her followers to embrace self-interest, face their fears, and employ ingenuity for constructive purposes.   Teaching and Guidance: Fain's teachings emphasize that fear is a natural aspect of existence and that it holds the potential for profound change. She guides her followers to confront their fears head-on, using ingenuity as a tool for creative problem-solving. Self-interest is viewed as a driving force for personal and societal development, provided it is employed constructively.   Symbolism: The dark black stallion, the "Night Mare," is the symbol of Fain. It embodies the shapeshifting nature of fear, which can be a source of torment or personal growth. This symbol is a reminder of the transformative power that Fain represents and the importance of confronting one's fears.   Role within the Pantheon: Fain is one of the Children of Yemoja, created with a specific purpose. She serves as a guide and mentor to those who seek to transform their fears, harness ingenuity, and use self-interest for growth. Her role in the pantheon complements the other deities, Tirris and Torrus, in providing a holistic understanding of existence and the interplay of dreams, reality, and fear.   Relationship with the Hska: Fain is closely aligned with the Hska, a culture of Goliaths. She played a pivotal role in their history by offering them sanctuary within the dream realm to protect them from the malevolent forces of Kurxang. However, her desire to return the Hska to the World of Glosmordin led to their oppression and servitude under the Giant-kin, a chapter in their history that would later be redeemed.   Fain, the Shapeshifter of Fear, is a deity of complexity and paradox. She embodies the transformative power of fear, ingenuity, and self-interest, guiding her followers toward personal growth and enlightenment.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres of Influence:  
  • Nightmares: Fain understands the power of nightmares as potent sources of self-discovery and transformation. By focusing on nightmares, her followers confront their deepest fears and learn from them.
  • War: War embodies the ultimate form of fear, and Fain's influence in this sphere encourages individuals to face the fear of conflict and find strength and courage in its midst.
  • Ingenuity: Fain encourages the use of creative problem-solving and resourcefulness (ingenuity) to overcome obstacles and challenges, promoting growth and personal development.
Minor Spheres of Influence:  
  • Disappointment: Fain recognizes the role of disappointment as a powerful motivator for change, encouraging her followers to embrace it and turn it into a driving force for personal growth.
  • Jealousy: Jealousy can reveal hidden desires and fears, making it a sphere that Fain uses to help individuals explore their innermost feelings.
  • Selfishness: Fain promotes healthy selfishness, encouraging individuals to prioritize their own needs and desires while respecting the rights of others.
The focus on these spheres of influence reflects Fain's belief in embracing fear, harnessing ingenuity, and using self-interest as catalysts for personal and societal development. Fain's teachings emphasize the transformative power of these aspects, encouraging individuals to use them for constructive purposes and self-mastery.


The Shapeshifter's Veil: This ancient, mystical veil is said to have been woven by Fain herself. When worn, it allows the wearer to assume different forms and shapeshift, reflecting Fain's essence as the Shapeshifter of Fear. It's considered a potent tool for personal transformation and a symbol of her teachings.   The Nightmare Mirror: A mirror said to reveal the innermost fears and desires of those who gaze into it. It is a sacred artifact used by priests and followers of Fain to confront and understand their own fears and use them as tools for growth.   The Scepter of Ingenuity: A scepter believed to be a gift from Fain to her most devoted followers. It is said to enhances the bearer's intellect and creative problem-solving abilities, allowing them to use ingenuity effectively for positive change.

Holy Books & Codes

The Tome of Fear's Transformation: This sacred text provides insights into the nature of fear and how to confront it. It details stories of individuals who have harnessed their fears for personal growth, highlighting the transformative power that fear holds.   The Codex of Shifting Shadows: This ancient text outlines the principles of shapeshifting, as taught by Fain. It is a guide for those who wish to understand the art of embracing fear and undergoing personal transformation, including insights into ingenuity and self-interest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Night Mare: Fain's primary symbol is the dark black stallion, representing the Night Mare. This symbolizes the shapeshifting nature of fear and the power it holds to inspire both fear and self-discovery.   A Spiral of Stairs: A common sigil associated with Fain, the spiral represents the ever-evolving nature of fear and personal growth. It symbolizes the transformative journey her followers undertake when confronting their fears.

Tenets of Faith

The Dogma of Fain emphasizes that fear, ingenuity, and self-interest are natural aspects of the human experience and should be harnessed for growth and positive change. Followers are encouraged to embrace these aspects, transforming them into tools for personal empowerment and enlightenment. It is through your deepest darkest nightmares that you can find what you truly fear.


  • Nightmare Revelation: A major ceremony in which followers come together to share and interpret their nightmares, seeking insights and understanding.
  • Fear Confrontation Rituals: These rituals involve facing and embracing one's fears through various challenges and symbolic acts.
  • Ingenuity Celebration: A festival where followers celebrate the use of creative problem-solving and resourcefulness, featuring puzzles and intellectual challenges.
  • Self-Interest Empowerment: A ceremony focused on recognizing the importance of self-interest and using it to motivate personal growth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Embrace and Transform Fear: Fain's primary divine goal is to help individuals recognize, confront, and transform their fears into tools for growth and personal empowerment. She aims to guide her followers in understanding that fear is not an obstacle to be avoided but a catalyst for profound change.   Harness Ingenuity: Fain encourages the cultivation of ingenuity as a means of creative problem-solving. Her goal is for her followers to understand that cleverness and resourcefulness can be employed constructively, making them masters of their own destiny.   Promote Self-Interest for Growth: Fain's teachings emphasize the use of self-interest as a motivator for personal and societal development. Her divine goal is to encourage individuals to prioritize their own needs and desires while respecting the rights of others.   Reveal the Secrets of Nightmares: Fain's divine mission includes helping individuals understand the profound insights hidden within their nightmares. She aims to unveil the secrets of the dream realm and show her followers that even the most unsettling dreams hold valuable lessons.   Guide the Hska: Fain played a pivotal role in safeguarding the Hska (Goliaths) within the dream realm, offering them sanctuary from the malevolent forces of Kurxang. Her divine goal is to ensure the well-being and growth of the Hska, leading them toward a brighter future within the World of Glosmordin.
Divine Classification
The Pillared Paragon
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Realm of Dreams
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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