Government: Hania Tribal

Government: Tribal (semi-nomadic)             Description: These tribes are broken up into clans that follow different spirit totems. They consider all clans to be Hania. Each clan has a leader that assumes that position because of age. The eldest of each clan is considered the leader. This leader does not have absolute power. When making decisions that affect the group as a whole, a counsel of those considered the strongest and wisest of the clan are brought together to form an opinion and then the chosen leader or chief makes a final decision. The Shaman of the clan also has quite an influence on the tribe and nothing is done with out his/her consultation. Men are usually the leader and nothing is stated that women could not be chief although this is very rare. In cases where decisions must be made that will affect all of the clans, a special meeting of all chiefs and shamans from the clans will meet together to discuss what needs to be done. Each clan is autonomous and can do what it thinks is best for its people but a consensus is preferred. The chief and his shaman will then return to its clan and discuss what should be done and then a messenger that was previously chosen will contact all chiefs and report each clan’s final decision.                          Laws & Justice:
Geopolitical, Tribe


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