Malgortha, the Devourer

In the heart of the Outer Darkness resides Malgortha, the Devourer, a monstrous entity of unparalleled horror and infernal might.

Divine Domains

Dark Revelation: Malgortha serves as a conduit for forbidden knowledge and arcane secrets, granting his followers insights into the mysteries of the cosmos. Through dark rituals and communion with the void, his cultists gain access to eldritch truths that lie beyond the comprehension of mortal minds.   Infernal Protection: Those who pledge themselves to Malgortha's service are granted protection from the perils of the abyss. He shields his followers from the wrath of other malevolent entities that lurk within the Outer Darkness, ensuring their safety as they navigate its treacherous depths.   Corruption and Dominion: Malgortha bestows upon his devotees the power to corrupt and dominate the minds of mortals, bending them to their will. Through subtle manipulation and insidious whispers, his warlocks sow discord and chaos, paving the way for their master's influence to spread unchecked.   Soul-Cannibalism: Malgortha's followers partake in a gruesome ritual of soul consumption, wherein they devour the living to consume their souls as sacrificial offerings. Through this macabre act, they harness the life essence of their victims to fuel their own dark powers and appease their master's insatiable hunger. As soul-cannibals, they feast upon the flesh and spirit of the living, becoming vessels of Malgortha's wrath and conduits for his infernal might.


The Obsidian Amulet: The Amulet is a dark talisman crafted by the cultists of Malgortha, imbued with the essence of the Outer Darkness. Made from obsidian and adorned with twisted red runes, it serves as a symbol of allegiance to the Devourer. While not inherently powerful, the Amulet grants its bearer protection from the influence of other malevolent entities that dwell within the abyss, shielding them from the whispers of madness and corruption that permeate the abyss.   The Obsidian Dagger: The Dagger is a ceremonial weapon wielded by the warlocks of Malgortha, crafted from blackened steel and etched with infernal sigils. Though it appears mundane, the dagger is infused with dark magic, allowing its wielder to channel the energies of the Outer Darkness in combat. While not as potent as other artifacts, the Dagger serves as a symbol of authority and power among Malgortha's followers, instilling fear and dread in those who would dare to oppose them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Malgortha's Embrace: This symbol features two twisted horns, resembling those of Malgortha, with kraken-like arms emerging from the base of each horn. The arms coil and writhe, evoking the sinuous movement of a kraken's tentacles, while ending in wicked talons ready to ensnare and devour. It is used by his followers as a mark of their allegiance and as a focus for their rituals and dark magic.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To devour

Physical Description

Body Features

Its form defies conventional anatomy, with no discernible neck to separate its nightmarish head from the twisted expanse of its torso. Instead, the grotesque maw begins where its neck should be, a gaping chasm of jagged teeth and dripping ichor that extends downward, consuming much of the upper torso.   From the sides of its monstrous form extend long, sinuous appendages that writhe and coil like the tendrils of a kraken. These arms, are tipped with wicked talons that glint with malevolent intent, ready to rend and tear at anything that comes within reach of the Devourer's grasp.   Its obsidian body is adorned with veins of molten lava, snaking and pulsating beneath the surface like rivers of fire coursing through the depths of the earth. The fiery glow casts an eerie light upon its surroundings, illuminating the twisted landscape of its domain with an otherworldly radiance.   Batlike wings, tattered and torn, extend from its monstrous frame, casting eerie shadows that dance with the flickering glow of the lava veins snaking beneath its skin.

Facial Features

Out of the head Crowning this abomination are towering horns that twist and curl. Its eyes, pools of swirling darkness devoid of pupils or iris, seem to pierce through the very fabric of existence, reflecting the horrors of the void within.
Divine Classification
Ancient Elder Ones
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Black obsidian orbs with no irises or pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Obsidian with lava veins that show through
Aligned Organization


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