The Sable Society

The Sableist were started by a sodality of 5 high wizards who were once members of the Ashenites, now known as the Harbingers. Even though they had began as Ashenites, they could see how much the ashen society was becoming political and controlling the flow of information. They were against any centralized control of magic. They feel it should be free and open to explore. That way no one person or organization could dominate or keep control of information. They became opposed to the Ashenites soon after certain restrictions were implemented around necromancy and its history was restricted. Much of this was passed down from the Veropian Empress. Only two of the five were actually necromancers. All though all schools of magic are represented within the sodality, Unfortunately, the sable organization is made up of mostly necromancers; as they feel the most stifled by the current power struggle. This tends to give it a bad name. The structure of the organization is very loose and has no centralized base. Many members were once Ashenites but have gone underground. Although there are some sympathizers who still maintain their membership within the Ashenites and hold their tongue. The Five Harbingers meet at least twice sometimes three times a year. They have divided up the empire into five sections and each moving to one of the areas and using their influence or helping the flow of information to other members. They have and will change their appearance frequently as to not be recognized. Maybe 100 or so members     The Five Harbingers   Creidulus Rothart (M, Human, Necromancy - Boarderlands)   Solace Shade (F, Human, Necromancy- Outlands)   Slyprix Ombreus (M, Halfelf, Illusion- Elders Glade)   Gradir Hawkridge (M, Golith, Evocations- Hske)   Heleir Stonedane (F, Human, Conjuration- Mijako)
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Harbingers of The Sable


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