Vit'khari (Vit Ka Haree)

Symbol:   Aliases:   World Align:   Allies:   Foes:   Race: Giants   Cultures: Fire, Hill, cloud, ettins, ogres,   Societies:   Priesthoods:   Churches:   Description:Male   Those followers are very much apart of the situations with the giants. The giants and dwarves, due to the historical conflict, might have developed separate societies with distinct cultures and values. Each race may harbor myths and tales that vilify the other, perpetuating the cycle of animosity through generations. The war between the giant and dwarf descendants may have fostered widespread prejudice and distrust among the races across Glosmordin. The animosity could lead to discrimination, making alliances between the races challenging and rare. Both sides of the conflict may engage in the spread of propaganda and misinformation to justify their actions and sway public opinion. This could contribute to the perpetuation of the animosity between the giants and dwarves. The Giants have also had diplomatic connections with Orcs who live east of them as the two cultures feel they are alike in how they were treated by their historical families   Ettins: Kurxang places a curse on certain Ettin clans, ensuring that they face perpetual internal conflicts and power struggles. This curse fragments Ettin communities, making it challenging for them to unite against external threats.   Cyclopes:   Kurxang's curse among the Cyclopes affects their vision, both literally and metaphorically. Some Cyclopes may experience blindness, while others suffer from distorted perceptions. This curse creates mistrust within Cyclops communities, hindering their ability to coordinate effectively.   Ogres:   The curse on Ogre bloodlines causes a persistent inner rage, leading to frequent conflicts within Ogre communities. This aggression makes it difficult for Ogres to form lasting alliances and fosters an environment of chaos, which plays into Kurxang's malevolent designs.   Fomorians: Kurxang's curse on Fomorian bloodlines manifests as physical deformities and mutations. This curse reinforces the Fomorians' isolation, as other giantkin fear their appearance. The curse becomes a source of shame, further dividing the Fomorians from the rest of giantkin society.   Hill Giants   Kurxang, in his malevolent schemes, has placed a curse upon the bloodlines of hill giants. This curse manifests as a significant limitation in their intellectual capacities, making hill giants generally less intelligent than other giantkin. The curse affects their ability to strategize, plan, and engage in complex reasoning.       1. Storm Giants: Curse of Chaotic Discord: Kurxang's curse on storm giants manifests as a perpetual state of internal chaos. This discord makes it challenging for them to coordinate effectively, and their actions are often unpredictable.   2. Fire Giants:   Curse of Consuming Fury: The curse upon fire giants manifests as an unquenchable fury within them. They are prone to fits of uncontrollable rage, making it difficult for them to engage in diplomatic interactions or long-term strategic planning.   3. Frost Giants:   Curse of Frozen Isolation: The curse upon frost giants causes a pervasive sense of isolation. Their hearts become cold, metaphorically and emotionally, leading to a reluctance to form alliances or trust others.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres: Strength  / Giants / War   Minor Spheres: Power / Fire / Mountains / clouds /Nature
Divine Classification
Titans: Giants
Neutral Evil
Current Residence

Articles under Vit'khari (Vit Ka Haree)


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