Whistler's Rebels

Though it started out as a thieves guild in Alcyria created by Darion Oun'Mellec known as "The Whistler," who's purpose was to take from the greed of the rich and give to the poor and destitute. They called themselves Rebels of the status quo and were collectively called Whistler's Rebels. They would refer to themselves as just a Rebel or a Whistler. They can and do communicate by whistling. The group grew into a decentralized secret organization that came with the Alcyrians to this new world. Most members are usually autonomous. There are a few cells in places but mostly lone operatives. Although they are typically on their own. They can rely on each other if needed. The do take an oath when they join and their main thrust is they seek fair and equal treatment for all, particularly against tyrants and despots. Their goals are noble but they have no shame in starting out with manipulation and character assassination and working their way up to physical assassinations. They are still known to steal from the rich and give to the poor.
Secret, Brotherhood


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