Giovanis Froncaris Character in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Giovanis Froncaris

Giovanis Froncaris

(Gio-vonis Fr-on-karis)   The famed explorer and cartographer Giovanis Froncaris is credited with many geographic discoveries as well as producing so of the most detailed maps of Traith ever created.   From an early age Giovanis showed great interest in world around him. Always the explorer he would wander his family's estate drawing small maps of what new area he discovered each time. Giovanis was constantly intrigued by what might be over the next hill or where a stream might lead to. His parents would worry endlessly for his safety as he would disappear for hours on end only to return with a new map of what he had found on that days exploratory outing.   His legacy has been carried on by the Explorer's Conglomerate an organization he founded.

Mental characteristics


Giovanis received his early education from a family tutor.
Date of Birth
26th of Themiskal
Black of medium length.


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