Samanthalyn Wizinowsky Character in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Samanthalyn Wizinowsky

Samanthlyn Wizinowsky

Born on the Dark Plains of Marquest to the minor noble family of Wizinowsky. Samanthalyn struggled through her early years of life as her parents were neglectful and abusive both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, she possessed a strong spirit, and a kind soul yet was rebellious and chaotic by nature similar to the elemental planes themselves.   Throughout her youth many strange occurrences centering around Samanthalyn took place. Growing up in the lands where arcane magic use was exceedingly frowned upon and possibly grounds for imprisonment or execution. The lack of those that would've been capable of helping a young Samanthalyn with harnessing her natural ability to weave spells without studying books. She could've been a powerful Sorceress had she been born somewhere else or in a different some other.   Her natural ability to weird metaphysical energies was not just limited to the arcane she was deeply attuned to the The Confluence . She slowly came to the realization that all the energies and surface thoughts of others she sometime sensed were real. For a long time, she struggled with the energies of others and thought there was something wrong with her but there wasn't she was just more immersed in the currents of the Confluence than most yet was tormented by those same latent abilities.   When Samanthalyn was sixteen she became pregnant. This infuriated her parents and her father punished for it, she was locked away and hidden from the eyes of the public. Nine months later she gave birth to half-orc boy and her father completely broke. He sentenced the baby to death as well as Samanthalyn.   Her mother who had visited her only twice over the course of her pregnancy and incarceration found a brief moment of clarity. She had Samanthalyn and the boy smuggled away with just the cloths on their backs. Her mother booked them passage to Atepthilar and that was it they were on their own.   Upon reaching Atepthilar Samanthalyn tried her hardest to be a mother she was to her son who she had named Philgar. She loved her son with all that she was but was heartbroken cause as hard as she tried, she just could not support them both. Samanthalyn needed to work but had no one to watch Philgar in order to do so. They lived on the streets of Atepthilar for two months and Samanthalyn kept her son fed, warn, and well taken care of under the circumstances. She was an amazing mother, but she questioned herself because of how much her son cried. Philgar had Colic and would cry for hours on end and it scared Samanthalyn and as a new she had no idea what was wrong. She would hold and snuggle just trying all she could to put her baby at ease. It worked most of the time but require so much attention she could do nothing else.   One day a half-orc male blacksmith noticed them huddled in the alleyway behind his shop. He asked Samanthalyn if she and her baby were ok, and she reluctantly to him they weren't. The blacksmith invited them into his shop and he scrounged up some food and water for Samanthalyn and a warm blanket for Philgar. The half-orc offer to hold Philgar so Samanthalyn and, she hesitant at first but agreed. She had only just met this stranger and he had already been more kind to her than most of her family ever had. When she was done eating she assumed it was their time to leave, putting out her arms as she rose to her feet. The blacksmith began to gentlely pass Philgar back to Samanthalyn when Philgar began crying again. Samanthalyns' face sank as well as her heart as she collapsed into the chair and broke down herself. The blacksmith was taken back by what had just happened and he held Philgar in one hand and rubbed Samanthalyn's back in an effort to console her. He told her she and her boy were welcome to come and stay with he and his wife for a couple of days to try to figure something out.   A couple of days turned into a couple of week turned in to months. The blacksmith and his wife welcomed Samanthalyn and Philgar into their home and treated them like family. Samanthalyn began working for the blacksmith at first while his wife would watch Philgar. After a couple the blacksmith encouraged Samanthalyn to go and find work she wanted to do, she was a bit lost she really had never been trained in any skills. She look for work bit found nothing. After several weeks Samanthalyn grew more frustrated no mater how much or how hard she tried she just wasn't getting any where. Her depression was beginning to rear its ugly head again from all the stress and uncertainty that enveloped her and now Philgars life as well. One night after dinner Samanthalyn was enjoying a smoke and the blacksmith asked if he could join her and she accepted. The blacksmith let out a deep sigh and dove right in. "There is no easy way to start or have this conversation in general." He said as he struck the match between his thumb and pointer finger and illuminating his face and he let I pipe and continued. "You are a great mother to Philgar and he adores you but for some reason I feel as though your destiny lies someplace else. The is something about you and your son and I don't know what it is but you are both very special. That being said my wife and I have talked this over several times and we want to offer both you and Philgar a permanent home here with us." Samanthalyn was filled with a mix of emotions relieved was the on was the only one that was positive. The rest were negative anger, frustration, and sadness that she he hadn't been able to provide for her child once again. "I didn't mean to offend you and I'm sorry if I did, it's just that its nice to have you both around. My wide and I have always wanted children but it hasn't happened yet. My wife loves both you and Philgar like her own children and wants to continue to help you." "You and your wife have been more of a family to me in the time we've been here than my actual bloodline ever was" Samanthalyn responded taking a long deep breath in then slowly letting it out. "I thank you for all that you've done for my boy and I , but I cannot stay. I love my son and you know this to be true but I can't do this anymore, I'm tired of not being able provide for my child. I need to to find myself and who I am in order to be a better parent to Philgar. I don't want to leave my boy and this right here is harder than you will ever know but if you and your wife are willing I will leave Philgar in your care till I can get on my feet and am able to love and provide for him equally I will continue to struggle emotionally and mentally and thats not fair to either of us." The blacksmith was taken back, he hadn't expected the conversation to go in this direction at all. He knew she was struggling and could see it everyday, the only times it wasn't readily apparent was when she was focused on Philgar. She would laugh and smile and radiated a brilliant aura of love, compassion, understanding and confidence that she rarely exuded otherwise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Samanthalyn was like a fine wine, growing more delicious as the years passed. She grew into ber beauty as well, an evolution that matched with her regaining of Self-esteem.

Mental characteristics


Samanthalyn received a good education as do most children from noble houses. She was smart and always excelled in he studies.


Thrust into the working life at the age of seventeen Samanthalyn had a had time finding work early on.

Personality Characteristics


Samanthalyns' motivation has always been her children and self-improvement,
Current Residence
Burgundy (natural color: Brown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Confluence.


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