Sharthak Species in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


The Sharthak are colossal aquatic predators. They are some of the largest creature known to exist on Traith. A carnivores species that feeds on anything the size of an orca or larger. Most commonly found patrolling the eastern seas.

Basic Information


A fully grown Sharthak averages two hundred feet in length ending with a powerful fin to propel itself through the water. Its massive body has a circumference of about thirty feet in diameter. It has two elongated tentacles that end in fins one on each side of its body. They have nine eyes three on each side of its head and three in the front. A sharthak skeletal structure is made up of cartilage not bone which makes it somewhat lighter than a normal creature of magnitude. Its mouth is roughly thirty feet long and contain teeth five feet in lenght and as strong as Mithral. They're jaws are powerful capable of biting an ocra in half or crushing through the hull of the most sturdiest of ship.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sharthak tend to lay their eggs in crevasses at different levels of the sea. Once their eggs have been laid incubate for six moths before hatching.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Sharthak grows extremely fast reaching full size within about four months of hatching.

Ecology and Habitats

It hasn't been fully documented if Sharthaks are restricted to a specific a habitat or if they a capable of adapting to different aquatic environments. They are most commonly encountered in the eastern seas near the Continents of Toroum and. Also off the Western coast of the subcontinent of Ramerience.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sharthak are carnivores and will feed on anything larger that an orca but generally aren't very picky about the meat they consume. Although it has been documented that given the opportunity they will feed on turtle dragons over other food sources.

Biological Cycle

It is believed that a Sharthak can live up to five hundred year and possibly longer.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sharthaks possess and sense of sight provided by its nine eyes. Each horizontal row of eyes has a different purpose. The bottom row of eyes sees in infrarvision, the second row sees in darkvision, and the top rows vision is the same as most oth aquatic creatures.
500+ years
Average Length
200 ft

Cover image: by CS


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