
A healer and ferry-woman working along the Rewa Garundas and guiding passengers through the Bogoza Wodnika to the city of Waldabrakt.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

3rd Spriarjeń 269 5E   Anastasia and her employer Vasil are drinking together in the Barica Wistrya where she approaches a Rakshasa named Anpu Winkybits and flirts with her. By the end of the night the two go to bed together and engage in mediocre sex.   4th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Anastasia and Vasil are contracted by Captain Ivo of the Gildan Barka to guide a group of four boats down to Rewa Garundas, through the Bogoza Wodnika and into the ports of Waldabrakt. Anastasia helmed a boat crewed by the Rakshasa Anpu Winkybits, the Gnomes Tedduch Stoutman and Audrey Wepple, and the Garuda Zi.    Upon their departure, Anastasia proves to be a poor guide and it is slow going along the water, with them repeatedly being drawn into beds of reeds and stalled along the way. After a long and unproductive day of travel along the river, they take up a position to camp beside the Rewa Garundas.   5th Spriarjeń 269 5E   When the sun rises, a storm begins to brew with it, and the group struggle to depart into the current of a fast flowing river as the rain begins to fall. The group make better time as the Rewa Garundas runs faster than it had the day before, though they are once again delayed by their guide Anastasia, though they have less incidents of being driven into the reeds. Once again they camp out beside the river on dampened ground, and as they gather around the fire, Anastasia admits that she has a fear of the water, and is only working as a ferry-woman on the insistence of her uncle Vidkas.   6th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The group awaken drenched by a torrential rain and a bitter cold, as they hastily pack up their camp before continuing along the Rewa Garundas, making good progress yet again, albeit once more being impeded by Anastasia.   After a very cold and bitter day on the river, the group at last reach the town of Bogromow, where Captain Ivo purchases for them accommodation in a rickety hostel. The group drink together in a dingy local underbar before finally getting a rest in a damp room with a leaky ceiling.   7th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The group depart the town of Bogromow on the morrow, and within a few hours they move along the Rewa Garundas and into the mists of the Bogmoza Wodnika. Due to poor visibility, the boats light bright bullseye lanterns so that they can follow eachother more easily and have a vague idea as to where they can find one another. Along the way, Anastasia is thrown and confused as the lights split, with one boat moving towards the left and another towards the right. Anastasia panics but vaguely recalls that her intended course drifted towards the right, and so she turns her course to the right.   As they drift along the waterways, they pass by a ruined watchtower where an Alkonost emerges from the mists and begins to sing an entrancing melody stunning many aboard the boat. Tedduch distracts the monster with multiple projectiles, but as it retreats back into its lair, its song stuns Anastasia and binds her in place.   Defenceless, the ferry-woman Anastasia is grabbed by a Wodnik which appears from the water beside the boat and drags her down into the swamp. She is helpless to move, still entranced by the elegant song, and before she can realise her peril, her throat is torn by the Wodnik and her flesh is made into a feast.