Campaign 2: Session 18 - Finding the Fisheries

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Checks: 500XP
  • Encounter: 900XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Total: 1700XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Checks: 250XP
  • Encounter: 900XP
  • Total: 1250XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Checks: 250XP
  • Encounter: 500XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Total: 850XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Checks: 250XP
  • Total: 350XP

Missions/Quests Completed

9th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   In the aftermath of the brutal feud of last week's session, the group continue to search around the watchtower basement for signs of Sarlaren. Distracted from the Vampiric child by the living bodies found amongst his victims, they return to the cell block to discover that the body of Ywan Mulkwast has disappeared.   Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman discovers evidence that Sarlaren escaped the watchtower via the sewer grate, prompting the group to develop a plan to follow him. They devise a plan to lower Tedduch Stoutman into the sewer using a rope.   The group tie a rope around the waist of Tedduch Stoutman and gradually lower him down into a circular chamber that acts as a junction for various sewage pipes. As Tedduch reaches the water, he is suddenly pulled into a pipe by the inrush of sewage. He gets stuck for a moment within a narrow pipe, but manages to force his way through and emerges in the canal, being shot out of the pipe like a cannonball.   When Tedduch disappears, the Wretch opts to follow him by reducing himself to a smaller size with magic and sliding down through the sewer grate. He hides in his shell, allowing himself to be drawn in by the in rush, just about being pushed through by the water pressure until he would be launched from the pipe like a cannon ball, almost hitting Tedduch in the process, but instead bursting out of the water by his side.   The two float and discuss what to do next, but in the process Tedduch spots something lurking in the water by the gun-boats that patrol the canal. Tedduch warns the Wretch and the two move back towards the canal wall.   As he retreats back to the canal wall however, the Wretch is knocked off-course by the rush of the emerging water from the sewage pipe and his flailing response is enough to draw the attention of the Chort. The river monster rushes forwards and the Wretch retreats into his shell, sinking to the bottom of the canal like a stone. The monster strikes at him and gradually begins to pierce the Wretch's shell, drawing closer to the moment that he might drain away the Wretch's life.   Meanwhile, with no means by which to help his friend, Tedduch continues to try and escape the canal and does so by moving beneath the bridge out of the district to avoid detection. From here he makes too much noise emerging from the canal however and he draws the attention of the Chort which abandons his onslaught against the Wretch to attack him. In the confusion, the Wretch emerges from his shell and swims away from where he had been attacked, avoiding the ire of the monster or its handlers.   Meanwhile, Zi speaks to the survivors of Ywan Mulkwast and realises them both to be father and son, discovering that the child killed by the Wretch was the man's son as well. Zi helps by taking the two up to the roof and flying them out of the Dystrykt Waldawa and into an apartment block in the adjacent district.   Upon making their flight back to the Dystrykt Waldawa, Zi is spotted in their flight, and crossbowmen in the gunboats below shoot at them. The guards pierce Zi's shoulder and they nearly send the Garuda plummetting into the canal. They cease firing as Zi makes it back under the cover of the tower parapets.   Down below in the district, the Chort draws closer to Tedduch, as the persistent Gnome manages to scramble away and makes his escape into the district. The Gnome uses his magic to take on the guise of one infected by the Weeping, a guise which is successful in confusing the Chort long enough for him to make his escape.   Zi begins to scour the district for signs of Tedduch but fails to spot them. Tedduch meanwhile, makes his way toward the fisheries, and when seeing signs of life within its pallisades he removes his magical guise to reveal his identity. The defenders of the fishery let him in and as Zi watches this occur from overhead, they return down into the lower depths of the watchtower and move to bring Anpu and Awenir down to their location.   They make their way inside and meet the Doctor who explains that he has been helping survivors of the Weeping. He reveals that he received a note from Sarlaren who told the group to leave and promised to make things right himself. The group settle in to decide whether to accept Sarlaren's wishes or to stay and continue their quest.
Report Date
04 Jan 2024