Campaign 2: Session 21 - Family's Fate

Rewards Granted

Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • MVP: 250XP
  • Encounter: 750XP
  • Skill Checks: 120XP
  • Total: 1220XP
Tedduch Stoutman/Russell Tideborn
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Checks: 210XP
  • Total: 310XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Check: 210XP
  • Total: 310XP

Missions/Quests Completed

10th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Tedduch Stoutman, Awenir, and the Wretch remain in cells aborad the Mastorian gunships and together they are taken by the guards up towards the Bramek Rystotin whilst all around them signs of violence spread through the city. Fire rises in isolated regions, the sounds of shouting and violence all spread, and the three have no idea what chaos has been unleashed.   Meanwhile, Anpu Winkybits crosses the Dystrykt Waldawa and makes her way to the Mission of the Thirteenth Acolyte in order to meet her fate.   Upon entering, Anpu would see Maria Mulkwast weeping at the foot of Waldawa's altar, mourning the loss of her son. As Anpu would cross the room towards her, she would look up to see two strange twisted pale monsters consistently shifting their anatomy and form as they crawl around the skylights.   Upon reaching Maria Mulkwast's side, Maria looks up from her grief to look upon Anpu Winkybits with utter contempt. She says that she forgave Anpu for killing her son Wiktor, because of all that had happened and because she helped to set her and her remaining children free, now she has come back and she has murdered yet another of her children.   Anpu justifies her actions, making the point of reminding her what they were and the things that they did to others, she calls them monsters, and Maria Mulkwast admits that she knows what they were but it does not change the fact that they were her children.   Allowing her a moment for her grief, Anpu asks her what she is going to do to her and Maria responds that she is not going to do anything. She mocks Anpu, telling her that she is going to face the consequences of her own actions just as Maria is facing the consequences of hers.   Leaving such with such a vague threat, Maria gets up and walks through a wooden door that seemed to have spontaneously appeared behind the both of them, and Anpu confusedly follows her.   She emerges in a damp and destitute village in a vast green valley. She spots the shadow on the wall once again and approaches, trying to touch it but instead being distracted by the sight of a woman inside of an important looking two-floor home. She looks through the window and sees a young woman applying make-up to conceal bruising on her face. Anpu recognises the woman as Maria Mulkwast and moves to look away and again at the shadow but here instead she sees not a shadow but the young Wlad Mulkwast.   She is grabbed by Wlad Mulkwast and attacked, with the young figure taking on some unnatural and monstrous form. She manages to escape him and recoils, retreating back the way she came.   She did not emerge into the Mission of the Thirteenth Paragon but instead into a damp and dark prison cell in a hot and humid atmosphere. She looks around the cell and finds it disturbingly familiar. She is startled as she sees Rao Jahir enter through the door of her cell, exposing a fanged maw just as Wlad once did.   Anpu tries desperately to fight past the monster but is aggressively savaged and forced to use her magic in a desperate bid for escape. She runs down the hall past cells containing all those friends that she lost, all those people that died at her side. Kostantin Tique, Fulgur Percutien, Sir Torin, Lucky, Brie Tealeaf, Broadne Tique, the Thirteenth Paragon, they each make their appearances as she runs down the ever more long and narrow corridor.   She eventually reaches the end of the hall as Rao Jahir is close on her heels. She finds two doors, one to the left and one to the right. She takes the door on the right and wakes up in a comfortable chair in a warm and comfortable home by the sea. A cat is sleeping peacefully on her lap and she feels safe and at home.   She climbs up from her chair and the cat jumps down to wander around the strange and homely space. As she moves to explore, four dogs come to greet her warmly, excited to see what appears to them to be a familiar presence.   She finds her way to a kitchen space where she finds a tall and young looking man preparing food. As she draws closer, she sees that the man is in fact an Elf, and one that she finds only too familiar. The Elf is named Quintus, and seems very happy to see Anpu. He talks about the day ahead and he suggests that they take the dogs for a walk on the beach, blissfully unaware of Anpu's confusion.   Anpu points out that Quintus isn't real and he can't be hear. Quintus agrees and asks her why that is. She is confused by the question and Quintus answers that he can't be real because she abandoned Quintus just as her friends abandoned her. Anpu is horrified to see the same fanged maw that defined the horrific monsters that had stalked her through this false reality and she turns to flee.   She manages to make her way through the front door, and next finds herself once again in the halls of Mulkwast Manor. She follows the hallway and sees paintings of the Mulkwast family all throughout their life before finally emerging into their opulent hall.   She sees Maria Mulkwast cradling and comforting her young daughter Olena who complains that she does not know how Ywan could be so cruel. As Anpu draws closer, the child looks wide-eyed and afraid. Maria asks how Anpu has enjoyed all that she has seen, and how she has endured in the prison that has contained her for so long. Maria blames Anpu for causing the death of all her children, and in her arms the body of Olena Mulkwast begins to die and decay, pleading for her mother.   As Anpu watches in horror, she feels herself being grabbed by a shadow on the wall and as she tries desperately to break free she is dragged into an empty and black abyss. She moves around in the emptiness until once again a door emerges, and this time she is able to break free and finds herself back in the Mission of the Thirteenth Acolyte.   Now at her mercy, Maria Mulkwast is prepared to exact her revenge yet again, to thrust her deeper into an eternal hell that this strange district seems intent to expose. As Maria gloats at Anpu's fate, she is distracted at seeing a shadow by the door. She looks and she sees the same tall and dark shadow that all had been seeing throughout the district, until that shadow would close into the door, and the door would open to reveal the Gravedigger in the doorway.   Maria Mulkwast looks utterly terrified and begins to panic as the Gravedigger walks down the centre of the Mission. The two monsters that lurked around the ceiling leap down to tear the Gravedigger apart, one maintaining the form of Wlad Mulkwast, the other of Quintus.   The Gravedigger kills both out of hand, albeit hesitating at the sight of his master Wlad Mulkwast. With both dead, the Gravedigger would continue forwards. In the brief turn of the skirmish, Maria would make one last desperate bid to Anpu Winkybits, begging her to save her daughter Olena and pleading that Olena Mulkwast was nothing like her brothers and did not deserve to die.   As she makes her pleas, the Gravedigger arrives and Maria tries desperately to fight them, but to no avail. The Gravedigger breaks through her guard and grabs her by the neck. She tries desperately to break through but he squeezes until her physical form begins to dissipate into shadow. As she does, magic pulsates through the Gravedigger's gauntlets and draws her back to her physical form. Then, leaving her helpless and distressed, the Gravedigger drives a stake through her heart.   As Anpu watches in horror, she notices the altar behind her twist and descend into the ground, being replaced by a winding spiral staircase from which emerges Sarlaren. He waves his hand and ushers her to follow him, and she does so, leaving the Gravedigger behind just as he turns his attention onto her.   Elsewhere, Zi watches as Russell Tideborn falls unconscious and Mr. Beast falls down to his side in a panic. Recognising the symptom, Zi begins to realise the man's connection to Orville Wepple. She spends some time with Russell and convinces Mr. Beast to help her, pointing out that she needed to find Audrey Wepple and Audrey would be in the company of Orville.   Mr. Beast agrees to help and the two begin to speak with the other patients. Zi goes to speak with a guard who seems to have been injured in the commotion around the city whilst Mr. Beast draws his attention to a squat woman with a burlap sack resting over her head.   In Zi's case they manages to parse from the guard that Audrey and Orville had both been there, but that they had both been taken away by the guards to the Bramek Rystotin. Meanwhile, in Mr. Beast's investigations he discovers that the woman is actually Barbara and she is just passing through, curious about what is happening in the Dystrykt Waldawa and the city proper.   Zi is pleased to see Barbara and explains to her the situation regarding Audrey and Orville Wepple having been captured. Barbara agrees to help them wake up Russell. She seemingly begins an elaborate ritual to pull him out of his trance, but then only proceeds to aggressively slap him in the face and jolt him awake.   Russell awakens and speaks about having seen Orville's prison cell and a hideous woman, a comment which prompts Barbara to slap him unconscious again.   After multiple alternations of slapping Russell into and out of consciousness, the group convince him to assist in getting Audrey and Orville from their cell in the Bramek Rystotin.   As they make their way outside, they are greeted by Karl, Andrei, and a phalanx of four other guards. Zi would try to negotiate with the guards, keen to arrange a meeting with Captain Ivo to advocate for the release of Audrey and Orville Wepple. As they tried hard to focus on the conversation however, Russell Tideborn, Mr. Beast and Barbara would bicker amongst themselves, prompting Barbara to unveil her true form to the horrified Mr. Beast.   In the midst of this negotiation, Pawel would emerge from the shadows and would rush into the ranks of the guards and begin to attack them. Zi would be exasperated and would plead with Pawel to stop and would eventually convince him to do so, even as Pawel warns her that they had come here to take her into confinement.   With this new knowledge, Zi would convince Pawel, Russell Tideborn, Mr. Beast, and even Barbara to aide her in a rescue attempt on the Bramek Rystotin. Pawel would point out that if they were to do so, they could not leave behind witnesses, forcing Zi to concede and allow Pawel to knock the remaining guards unconscious and strip them of their armour.   Elsewhere, Tedduch Stoutman, the Wretch, and Awenir would all reach the Bramek Rystotin and would be taken by their private escort of Plague Troopers down into a solitary room furnished only with three benches and they would be told to wait there until Captain Ivo arrived.   Tedduch would suspect a trap, but would keenly encourage his companions to do nothing and to let matters take their course, hoping keenly to ensure they have the strongest case to communicate with Captain Iwo.   As the group argue about what to do next, the doors to the room are sealed on either side and the room is flooded with gas. Awenir and the Wretch rush to the doors and are desperately trying to force the doors open. Tedduch stays on the bench however and pleads with them not to fight. Awenir ignores him and eventually chokes and falls unconscious. The Wretch panics at first but eventually hears what Tedduch is staying and stands back before falling unconscious. Tedduch Stoutman is the last standing but even then he too drifts into unconsciousness.
Report Date
29 Jan 2024