Campaign 2: Session 22 - The Doom that came to Waldabrakt

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Encounter: 500XP
  • Skills: 260XP
  • Bonus: 100XP
  • Total: 1260XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 240XP
  • Damage: 9XP
  • Total: 249XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Check: 30XP
  • Encounter: 500XP
  • Bonus: 100XP
  • Total: 730XP

Missions/Quests Completed

11th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The Wretch works to break out of his cell but struggles pressing his magic against the lead door. He manages to dissolve some of the iron between the lead frame but it is not enough to make a distinctive difference. He tries to tear away the membrane that creates a window for the cell but this proves difficult as well. After clarifying that it was not a magical substance but was instead repellent to magic. Eventually the Wretch discovers a dagger that he stached in his cell and begins the effort of cutting through the membrane.   Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman takes a different tact. He opts to take the bucket in which he has been urinating and aggressively hurls it at the door, hoping to break through. This does not succeed, and so next he moves to force his way through the membrane by brute force. This too backfires as he slips in the urine and smashes his face against the door frame.   The group shout through the membranes to communicate and they hear muffled voices. They explain the defences of the door and clarify that the membranes are not magical, and that the doors are framed with lead and the cells carefully designed to repel magic. They also call out to ask who else is there and realise that Audrey Wepple is trapped in the cell block as well.   They speak with Audrey and she explains how Orville woke up only to go through a number of spontaenous fits, fading in and out of consciousness in quick succession before fading once again into unconsciousness.   Zi, Pawel, Barbara, Russell Tideborn, and Mr. Beast make their way to Bramek Rystotin. The group disguise themselves as guards to enter the building. Barbara uses her magic to temporarily transform Zi into a Human.   The group arrive at the gates and convince the soliers that they are   one guard recognises Pawel and Pawel knocks him unconscious and drags him out of the castle before they can raise the alarm. Meanwhile, the group walk across the courtyard and use their magic to hear the conversations of the various guards and garner information, discovering that the group had been taken to the castle dungeons and that there was rioting going on down in the city and rumours that the Weeping might be spreading.   They eventually find their way down towards the dungeons and continue on their rescue mission.   The Wretch uses his dagger to try and break through the membrane of his cell, loudly announcing this fact to his cellmates. A guard comes around the corner having overheard this and tells him that Captain Iwo wishes to speak with him and requests that he drop the dagger on the floor of the cell and wait for him to open the door. The Wretch initially refuses but is convinced to do so.   The Wretch is taken to a council chamber where he sees a number of officials surrounded by a circular plinth. In its centre, a series of magical nodes cast energy into the centre to produce an image within a fire of blue flames. This image takes on the form of a tall and keen-eyed man giving instruction amongst the crowd.   Their meeting comes to an end as the magnanimous figure tells all amongst the crowd to go about making the necessary preparations. As each man and woman departs, the man in the flames turns his attention to the Wretch. He greets the Wretch and introduces himself as Count Myron Rystotin.   After brief pleasantries, the Count leaves the Wretch in the company of Captain Iwo and Suran Roa. Captain Iwo changes the image within the font to a reflection of the city of Waldabrakt and shows the Wretch the full impact of their party's actions. Following Zi flying two civilians afflicted by the Weeping from the Dystrykt Waldawa, Plague Troopers were deployed to incinerate the two before they could spread the virus, but they were too late to prevent them from spreading their infection, and isolated cases had begun to spread all throughout the city.   He explains that the source of the accelerated virus is a Crystal Obelisk in the heart of Dystrykt Waldawa, for whatever reason the Crystal had been damaged and was bleeding magical energy that was accelerating the spread of infection. He explains that only by destroying the Obelisk could the slow release of energy be stopped and the infections rapid spread be slowed, though not halted entirely.   Captain Iwo further goes on to explain that following operations performed on each of the party, they had come to the conclusion that Zi, Tedduch Stoutman, Orville Wepple, Awenir, and very likely Anpu Winkybits are all infected, whereas Audrey Wepple was not.   He reaches an agreement with the Wretch, agreeing that Audrey Wepple will be set through following the inquest in Istanbrakt. In exchange, the group would return to the Dystrykt Waldawa, in order to repair or destroy the Crystal Obelisk.
Report Date
01 Feb 2024