Circles of Ancestry

The Circles of Ancestry constitute a central framework within the Dallan faith, a system used to delineate and honor the nobility inherent in various family lineages. Rooted in Dallan beliefs, this system postulates that the qualities of a family member are perpetuated through their bloodline. For instance, a person renowned for their courage is believed to pass down this trait to their offspring. Thus, those with ancestors esteemed by the Dallan faith are accorded greater reverence as a result of their inherent worthiness.   Under the guidance and endorsement of the Time's Acolyte, specific individuals who have significantly enriched the Dallan faith are positioned within the echelons of the Venerated. The degree of veneration granted to these individuals correlates with the extent of their contributions to society. Subsequently, the status and perceptions surrounding their descendants are influenced by the level of distinction their forebears have achieved within the faith's ranks.   There are seven Circles of Ancestry;
  • The First Circle: Descendants of Dalli.
  • The Second Circle: Descendants of Dalli's Acolytes. 
  • The Third Circle: Descendants of royal lines.
  • The Fourth Circle: Descendants of great and venerated ancestors.
  • The Fifth Circle: Descendants of lesser-known venerated ancestors.
  • The Sixth Circle: Families of repute who do not have any venerated ancestors.
  • The Seventh Circle: Insignificant families with no venerated ancestors.

Notable Families


The Third Circle

  • Mastoracza

The Fifth Circle

  • Arkenank

The Sixth Circle

  • Mulkwast
  • Smitikho
  • Storme
  • Tique (Extinct)