Crystal Magic


Within certain spells or incantations, Mages might use crystals as a means of conjuring sustained or enhanced magical effects. Crystals can be used in various fashions and formats, though there is a general expectation that certain forms of crystal are most optimum to be used for specific forms of magic, with their differences corresponding to their colour.  

Types of Crystal

Black Crystals are most often used in the manifestation of advanced forms of Animation Magic, enshrining complex forms of intelligence into a construct or even being of use in the process of a Resurrection ritual.
Suggested Crystals: Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian.   Blue
Blue Crystals are utilised in certain forms of Transmogrify, particularly potent for use in the magic of healing sentient beings.
Suggested Crystals: Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire.   Bright Orange
Bright Orange Crystals are used for foundational Animation magic, particularly potent for the construction of Golems and the reanimation of the dead. Bright Orange Crystals can be used for the purpose of basic animation, however black crystals would be required to create more complex forms of intelligence.
Suggested Crystals:
Orange Calcite, peach selenite.   Bright Pink
Bright Pink Crystals are used often in the construct of glamours, enchantments which alter sentient being's perceptions either of a person, object or place. This is a form of Illusion.
Suggested Crystals:
Pink Sapphire, Rhodochrosite.   Bronze/Brown
Bronze and Brown Crystals are used for forms of Abegnation magic which repel psychic magical attacks in particular.
Suggested Crystals:
Leopard-skin Jasper, Smoky Quartz.   Dark Blue
Dark Blue crystals can be used in both Divination and Conveyance, allowing that an individual can scry images, sounds, and communicate across great distances.
Suggested Crystals:
Iolite.   Gold
Gold Crystals are used by Mages for the enhancement of Enchantment incantations, being most potent in the creation of Gauntlets of Enchantment and other such artefacts.
Suggested Crystals:
Golden Apatite, Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz.   Green
Green Crystals are manipulated for use in the manifestation of Elemental Magic.
Suggested Crystals:
Emerald, Jade, Moldavite, Peridot.   Lavender
Lavender Crystals are most effective for use in the manifestation of abegnation magic. That is, a magic focused on protective spells, as well as spells which cancel or interfere with other spells, magical effects, or supernatural abilities.
Suggested Crystals:
Lavender, Jade, Tanzanite.   Orange
Most potent for use in the magic of Compulsion, a school focused on affecting the minds of others and influencing or controlling their behavior.
Suggested Crystals:
Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye.   Pink
Pink Crystals are used in the magic of Conveyance, particularly potent in enhancing spells that charm and calm sentient beings.
Suggested Crystals:
Pink Opal, Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz.   Purple
Purple Crystals are most potently used to enhance long-term Transmogrify spells. These are spells that can change matter either for a prolonged period, or permanently.
Suggested Crystals:
Amethyst, Tanzanite.   Red/Deep Red
Red and Deep Red Crystals can be used to enhance short-term Transmogrify spells that change matter temporarily. They are particularly potent for the purpose of conjuring the sorts of magical effects that can be conjured in combat.
Suggested Crystals:
Garnet, Red Jasper.   Silver/Gray
Silver and Gray Crystals are used in the magic of Divination, being especially potent in magic that allows Mages to gaze at flashes of either the future or the past, a practice known as Clairvoyancy.
Suggested Crystals:
Galena, Silver-Banded Agate, Silver Topaz.   Turquoise
Turquoise Crystals can also be used for Divination incantations, though they are less potent than their Silver and Gray counterparts for Clairvoyancy spells in particular.
Suggested Crystals:
Turquoise   Violet
Violet Crystals can be used to manifest illusions at will, and can further be used in the art of Compulsion to impact upon the dreams and minds of sentient beings.
Suggested Crystals:
Amethyst, Iolite, Tanzanite.   White
White Crystals have the most diverse utility, capable of being effectively harnessed for a near limitless variety of spells.
Suggested Crystals:
Clear Quartz, Diamond, Auventorian Diamond, Moonstone, Selenite.   Yellow
Yellow Crystals are most optimally used for the Magic of Conveyance, a complex and difficult magic which focuses on instantaneous transportation, conjuring manifestations of creatures, energy, or objects in different places.
Suggested Crystals:
Metaphysical, Arcane