Exploring Mind-Alteration Enchantments: Unraveling the Influence of Malevolent Magic on Sentient Impulses and the Quest for Reversal


The document is a case study regarding the research of Doctor Walmdas Kluw into how an enchanted reflection can be used to manipulate the mind of an individual to alter their primary driving motivation in life.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The document was the private research of Doctor Walmdas Kluw, however Sister Prudence scattered the document across the Radana Storme Institute and it was eventually discovered by the Konstat after the Radana Storme Institute's destruction.

Historical Details


Wlad Mulkwast was turned into a Vampire via Elven experiments. During his time in the East he came across a power capable of warping the mind, and driving an individual to ruthless murder simply by showing them their own reflection.   3rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   When Mulkwast Manor collapsed, Wlad Mulkwast took on the identity of Doctor Walmdas Kluw and travelled to the Radana Storme Institute. Here he persuaded Warden Petro Storme to take him on as head of psychiatry, and quickly took on full control of the asylum.   The document was developed secretly in this time, as Wlad Mulkwast began to experiment on the various patients and faculty at the Radana Storme Institute. He began by considering the Erlking Ajax Wursor to become Subject One.    6th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Ajax Wursor is rejected as a potential candidate for Wlad Mulkwast's research project. He instead refers him to participate in Doctor Wiliam Wosow's research.   10th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Having been selected as an adequate choice for Subject Two, Doctor Ada Arztin is exposed to an enchanted mirror that warps her mind and gives her a compulsion to murder.   21st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The Groundskeeper Lokanth Wursor is selected to become Subject Three and is exposed to the enchanted mirror.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Sister Prudence discovers the document during her confrontation with Doctor Ada Arztin, Subject Two of Wlad Mulkwast's research. She rushes to confront the Vampire, but before she arrives she scatters the document about the grounds.   When the sun rises, the Konstat arrive to inspect the ruins of the Radana Storme Institute and detain its surviving patients. The document is found by them at this time and it is taken for further investigation.   As a consequence of the chaos that consumed the Radana Storme Institute, the research was never concluded and the document remains unfinished.
Record, Research Notes
Authoring Date
3rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E