
Basic Information


  Large avian humanoids with large hooked beaks, beady eyes that potrude and can twist to span a visual rage of almost 360°. They have a notably wide wing span and their flesh is covered by a mane of feathers.   The facial structure of the Garuda can differ dependent on the sub-species of Garuda, with some resembling the structure of an own whilst others are more akin to eagles or crows.   When in flight, the Garuda can lock their wings in place and allow the thermals to hold them aloft, often allowing them to rest and even sleep whilst in flight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like their avian counterparts, Garuda are known to lay eggs. These eggs are long and narrowly shaped eggs that are typically pale and dotted with faint patches of green and blue.

Growth Rate & Stages

Garuda reach maturity at the age of five, though unlike humans rarely live longer than fifty years.

Ecology and Habitats

Garuda will often build settlements in tree tops or above elevated cliffs where they are far out of the reach of potential predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Garuda hunt and eat small aquatic creatures that they hawk from rivers, predominantly fish, and also small mammals such as mice that they swoop down from above to hunt.   Beyond this, the Garuda seek out plants, roots and berries in order to supplement and enhance their diet.


The Garuda are typically a migratory species and flocks of Garuda are known to travel between the seasons, venturing beyond their colonies either in search of warmth, of safety, or of resources. Unlike humans who are very protective of their land, Garuda don't share the same sentiment towards specific global regions and will more often depart from a place and relocate elsewhere should that place no longer seem habitable.
50 years
Average Height
Average Length
Geographic Distribution