
Fields of Magic

  1. Abnegation: This school is focused on protective spells, as well as spells which cancel or interfere with other spells, magical effects, or supernatural abilities.
  2. Animation: The act of creating animated constructs, and in its most potent form, sentient life.
  3. Compulsion: This school is focused on affecting "the minds of others" including "influencing or controlling their behavior".
  4. Conveyance: This school is focused on instantaneous transportation, conjuring manifestations of creatures, energy, or objects.
  5. Divination: This school is focused on acquiring and revealing information.
  6. Enchantment: Enchanting is the act of endowing objects with magical properties by various ingredients and tools.
  7. Elemental: The ability to manipulate, alter and conjure energy to be used for the caster’s purpose.
  8. Illusion: This school "involves the ability to change the appearance of something, by creating a phantasm
  9. Transmogrify: This school focuses on the ability to change matter either temporarily or permanently.


Magic is a form of energy that bleeds into Vilia through Nexus points, gaps in the fabric of reality which draw energy in from the Nexus, the space between universes of the Multiverse.   Magic does not manifest visually in its raw form, though can become visual when manipulated by Mages, manifesting in various forms dependent on how the energy is being manipulated.


Magic is drawn from gaps in reality called Nexus Points, these scars exist across Vilia, with some known as Greater Magical Nexus Points which are far larger, and others known as Lesser Magical Nexus Points which are smaller and emit less magical energy.   The Greater Magical Nexus Points;  
  1. Anabara: Once known as Trernis Mitis, the city of Anabara lies in the middle of a great crater and is protected by a Magical Dome. It sits in the land of Sana Daminga, on the continent of Doran.
  2. Arenas: The capital of Caprosa, and a city at the epicentre of Magical research and study in Vilia. It rests on the coast of the continent of Vandora.
  3. Gala Mundi: Also known as "the World Gate", Gala Mundi is the first and largest of the Nexus Points to open into Vilia. Gala Mundi is the capital of the Pauri Empire, the epicentre of the continent of Pauros, and the place in which the Elves first arrived on Vilia.
  4. Malonkost: An island far off the coast of Valorshire. Malonkost is known in Legend as the place where the Sorcerer Dalli first returned to Vilia. The island was a holy site for the Dallan faith for many years, until it was overrun by terrifying monsters.
  5. Rendorec: The capital of Lidiavale. Rendorec is a vast domed city known for it's awe-inspiring spires and resplendant architecture. Rendorec lies in the centre of a vast jungle, and sits on the continent of Vandora.
  6. Ronrawan: The northernmost of the Greater Magical Nexus Points, Ronrawan is protected by a ring of great mountains, pressing further and further away from the Nexus Point. Ronrawan is known for its difficult living environment and devastating cold, and it stands in the nation of Upper Mastoria on the continent of Thallia.
  7. Suran: A city in the centre of a great lake, Suran is the cultural centre of the petty kingdoms of Inkbar and is a religious and cultural centre for the Venu. Suran is on the continent of Thallia.
Metaphysical, Arcane