
Basic Information


Rakshasa are tall humanoids with pigments of skin that vary from red, green, and blue. They have serpentine eyes with slitted pupils and colourful sclera. They are also known to have horns, with the type of horn differing dependent on the Rakshasa's Demonic ancestor.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Rakshasa reproduce in a manner similar to humans, though their ancestry traces back to the mating of a human and a Demon. The Rakshasa give birth to babies that are slightly larger than the average human baby, and children with faint gray skin.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rakshasa mature at the same rate as humans, reaching maturity between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Rakshasa children are born with faint gray skin and without horns.   The Rakshasa's skin changes its pigment gradually over the course of years, with their skin colour becoming clear around the age of eight, and reaching its full pigmentation around the age of fifteen.   The Rakshasa's horns begin to grow in around the age of six, though they do not reach their full size until around the age of sixteen.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Rakshasa originated within the petty-kingdoms of Vede, however they have since dispersed all across of Vilia. They, like humans are more prone to living on the surface and can be semi-nomadic, however they are known to prefer hot environments over cold ones.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rakshasa are carnivores and have a special draw to the consumption of meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Rakshasa are revered amongst the population of Inkbar, treated as if they are Demi-Gods and are respected as such. Rakshasa lineages are often given authority over land and positions of power, much as how Humanity often offers the same of their own noble families.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Rakshasa in most of their forms originated in the sub-continent of Inkbar, having developed amongst its many petty-kingdoms.   Small communes of Rakshasa have ventured beyond the bounds of Inkbar and have travelled all across Vilia.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
150 Years
Average Height
6'5" - 6'10"
Average Weight
90kg - 110kg
Geographic Distribution