Rewa Ojo


The Rewa Ojo is a river that begins it's journey from the mountain of Morka Woji and travelling through the Grand Valley of Alwaria. The river forks apart with the Rewa Alwara continuing north-west whilst the Rewa Ojo continues its journey south-west.   The Rewa Ojo once again splits at the sight of the city of Istanbrakt, with the Rewa Istan continuing north-west whilst the Rewa Ojo continues it's south-western arc. The city of Istanbrakt stands in the middle of the fork between the two rivers.   The river then runs close past the border of Hakonia and arcs south where it maintains the border between Upper Mastoria and Hakonia.   The river then continues past the city of Yaszaw and passes over the southern border into Lower Mastioria.    From there the river snakes south and rushes out into the Amberic Sea past the city of Martinbrakt.

Fauna & Flora

The river is inhabited by a medley of different fish including pink salmon, rainbow trout, and sockeye salmon.


The Rewa Ojo, given its close proximity to Hakonia and the fact that it runs through all of Lower and Upper Mastoria, as well as Miellikia, has become the route of vital trade lines, allowing imperial interests to epxand their influence in Lower Mastoria and distribute vital supplies.