The Dragon Eyes

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Dragon's Eyes seem to take effect when both are held by different hosts at the same time, when that happens, the two eyes open and a connection is formed between the two hosts, with only one capable of consciousness at a time, whilst one remains trapped inside the mind of the active body.


4th WintarjeÅ„ 269 5E   An archaeological expedition funded by figures in the city of Abrenik is approved and a group of Dwarven archaeologists venture out to an ancient Draconic ruin.   Within these ruins, one of the two Dragon Eyes was found, and the Dwarves present incorporated it into their collection of artefacts that they hoped to take back to Abrenik.   1st SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Whilst the archaological expedition stopped over in the city of Yaszaw, they stayed in the Hostel Harmonia. Whilst they slept a Gnome named Orville Wepple broke into their room and stole a number of artefacts including the Dragon's Eye. Before he can escape however, a member of the expedition named Thalmun Burrowale awakens with a scream and his nightmare prompts all of the other Dwarves to wake up in a panic and notice the burglar.   Whilst the Dwarves ensure most of the artefacts are returned to their safebox, Orville is able to keep hold of the Dragon's Eye.   Elsewhere in the world, a cult leader named Russell Tideborn arrived at a mysterious Draconic Temple, taking up residence along with his newly blossoming cult. Whilst searching their new home, Russell finds a Dragon's Eye of his own.   As both Orville and Russell hold the two Dragon Eyes, the Eyes open and Orville passes out. He does not wake up for some time but instead finds himself trapped inside the mind of Russell Tideborn. The two bicker for sometime until suddenly Russell collapses and Orville Wepple wakes up, with Russell Tideborn trapped in his mind.
Item type
Current Location
Only two examples of this artefact are known as.