The Prophecy of the Six Crowns


The first occurrence of the prophecy saw Thalmun wake up in a snowy field laden with heavy fallen snow. The snow was glazed in a spread of blood and as Thalmun walks through the field he finds himself wandering through the depths of a battlefield.   As he walks across the battlefield, Thalmun perceived a silver crown inlain with emeralds floating above the battlefield. The closer he moved towards it, the more the crown would move away from him.    Before long he sees another crown, this one a band of iron with crowned spikes. Then again a third crown that is platinum and inlaid with various extravegant and beautiful gemstones. The fourth is more a helmet, but with tall spikes that mark it as a crown. A fifth crown appears as well, this one woven of interwined tree roots.   The crowns slowly rotated around Thalmun, ever out of his reach until a fire would engulf the battlefield. He would find himself wreathed in flames, and would scream as the fire melts his flesh, and before the vision would end, he would gaze into the inferno to see a sixth and final crown consumed in fire.

Historical Basis

The Prophecy of the Six Crowns is a preminition that occurred in the dreams of the Dwarf Thalmun Burrowale.
Date of First Recording
1st Spriarjeń 269 5E
Date of Setting