
Physical Description

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Personal history

1st Waldawajeń 266 5E   Construction begins on a new Wayfarer who is integrated with the name and characteristics of a Dallan warrior named Yahn. He is forged and enchanted in the holy city of Vos Bison.   When his enchantment and development is concluded, Yahn departs Vos Bison to learn more about the world and await signs that the time has come for the return of the Grand Army of the Thall and the awakening of the Sentinels.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Yahn arrives in the city of Arkeluw, and takes up residence at the Mission of the Seventh Acolyte. Here he is employed by Adamansza to employ his healing services for the injured and afflicted of the city.   7th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Whilst wandering through the city of Arkeluw, a thief tackles Yahn and steals an ornate symbol of Valdava that he keeps on his person. Yahn pursues him through the streets of Arkeluw and manages to catch him by swiping his flail at the thief's legs. He brutally kills the man as Anpu Winkybits, Sarlaren, Neya, and Ackio look on in horror. The guard's see this, but noting that the thief was not associated with the Smitikho Crime Family, they opt to overlook the violence.   Yahn gets to talking to the horrified group, and accompanies them to go drinking at a bar on the dockyard. Here he pretends to down his drink whilst dribbling it down his armour instead.   Whilst they are here they witness a meteor falling from the sky, it crashes down in the city slums, and the group rush to investigate. They find the crater, and multiple houses alight with fire. They discover a strange Dwarf emerging from the crater, and a mysterious cult who try to kidnap him.   Yahn assists Neya in fighting the cultists and trying to rescue the Dwarf from kidnap. They dispatch multiple cultists, and send the rest into flight, but not before a magical malfunction causes the death of the Dwarf.   Yahn is present as a Demonic portal opens and drags Neya into Vede. He then witnesses the arrest of a surviving cultist at the hands of the Orekun.   8th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The next day, Yahn convinces Anpu Winkybits, Ackio, and Sarlaren to help him investigate the Crimson Dawn. A clock-maker named Kostantin Tique overhears their conversation and offers to join them in their quest. Likewise, an odd and violent Barbarian named Ino is present and insists on joining them as well.   Sarlaren takes them to Bram Brazmluw and they bribe the jailers to allow them to visit a cultist captured by the Orekun. When they find him, Kostantin Tique suggests that they try to free him and fight their way out of the Deep.   Yahn, Anpu, Ackio and Ino agree to the plan and they kill multiple guards before rushing to make their escape. They do not do so subtly, and end up being attacked by the Bauk that guard the Deep. They barely escape with their lives and rush to rally the other prisoners, hoping to escape as part of a mass prison break.   They rally multiple prisoners including a Dwarf named Greinn, a man named Ludo, and a particularly enthusiastic prisoner whom they nickname "Snowflake".   They fight their way free of the Deep, but are met with the full force of the garrison at Bram Brazmluw. Eventually they are overwhelmed, and the Captain Symon Storme convinces them to surrender by threatening to kill the captive Cowabunga Peppermill, a survivor of Mulkwast Manor. They are taken as prisoners and paraded through the streets of Arkeluw, before being interred in the dungeon of Branek Arkenank.   10th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Yahn, Anpu Winkybits, Ackio, Cowabunga Peppermill, Sarlaren, Ludo, and Kostantin Tique are all made to face a Tribunal, comprising of Iona Arkenank, Captain Symon Storme, and Artur Nazar. Whilst Cowabunga Peppermill is found innocent, the rest are sentenced to death.   That night, the group are brought before Lady Iona Arkenank, who offers to spare their lives if they devote their lives to serving her. She requests that they work for her and continue their investigation into the Crimson Dawn cult. Yahn agrees and is branded as a criminal guilty of the highest crimes. In order to ensure their obedience, she keeps Ackio and Ludo as hostages   Kostantin Tique attempts to use magic to escape punishment by teleporting into the River Ojo, but his manacles weigh him down. On the edge of drowning, he pulls himself up onto the rocks and is rescued by a pair of fishermen.   11th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The fishermen plan to take to Kostantin Tique back to Branek Arkenank with the hope that they might receive a reward. When Yahn, Anpu, and Ino discover the fishermen however, they murder Kostantin Tique, hoping to take him back to Bramek Arkenank and claim their reward for killing him. The fishermen are slain by the group.   Over the next few days, the group continue their investigation of the Crimson Dawn, thwarting their attempt to kidnap a professor named Glemori. They learn that the cult might be taking interest in the ancient lost Dwarven city of Fungasuf. They also take time to explore the Red Market, where Yahn gains prestige fighting alongside Ino in the arena against a Rusalka.   In this time they meet a Gnome called Pallof Gimgy, who reveals that he has made a home for himself in the remains of a house destroyed by the meteor. This place becomes known as Pallof's Crater, and becomes a base of operations for the group.   In this time, Yahn repeatedly returns to the Mission of the Seventh Acolyte to aide the wounded there and help those hurt in the prison riot at the Deep.   18th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Anpu Winkybits is elated to discover that her friend Feta Coffeebean survived the incident at Mulkwast Manor, as the two reunite in the slums of Arkeluw and in spite of Sarlaren's reservations, the group accept her into their party. The group visit the Red Market where Yahn, Ino and Pallof Gimgy fight in the arena and are ambushed by a group of bounty hunters, and in order to protect them, Feta tears out a thug's throat and drinks his blood, revealing herself to be a Vampire.   Feta Coffeebean flees the scene and the whole group leave in the confusion.   Later, Yahn speaks to Alyosza Smitikho and discovers that the thugs that were attempting to kill them were hoping to collect on a bounty placed on them by Broadne Tique, who blames them for the death of his son Kostantin Tique.   20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   After a day following leads on the Crimson Dawn, Yahn and Cowabunga Peppermill discover leads on a meeting of the cult in the city slums. They return to Pallof's Crater where they are ambushed by bounty hunters.   Yahn is damaged and on the edge of destruction when he is rescued by Broadne Tique, who sacrifices his life to save the party.   27th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   A rockslide opens the prison known as the Deep and sends a swarm of Bauk into the streets of Arkeluw, spreading chaos throughout the city. Many prisoners escape in the aftermath. When Anpu Winkybits decides to follow the instructions of her patron Marani and depart Arkeluw, Yahn stays behind along with Pallof Gimgy to continue their work.
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