
Far under the shadow of a mountain, deep within the rocky abode. The echoing sounds of picks and hammers can be heard resonating from the earth itself. You look around, seeing the surface of the planes as if clay was used to craft an environment with flowing water and rivers enriching the ground that moss and greenery grows abundant and lush! You find a door. A small door with no seemingly remarkable traits outside of it being carved into the stone itself. You look closer and begin to realize the perfection in the detail of the ornate carvings. The golden and gem speckled outlines, the frame itself a pure and beautiful precious metal. The longer you stare, the more you realize that despite believing it was merely a stone carving at first, it was a perfectly implemented design. One with nature itself despite its design and function.   Once inside, should you manage to be invited, you would find incredibly massive cavernous wonders. Dwarves scattered in a utopia like city cascaded by rock and stone overhead. The light from a few hidden openings high in the reaches of the mountain being cast about by metallic mirrors strewn around the higher platforms. Either you are a friend welcomed and well fed and hosted like a king, or you are not a friend, where in the stubbornness and easily broken or hardened nature of a Dwarf’s heart shall show you just how angry a people can be.  


Dwarves are short, averaging roughly 4' with very little difference. Most Dwarves meet eye to eye. Long beards and hair are the mark of a true Dwarf! Hardy little fellows, Dwarves are a force to be reckon with. Their skin is tough and rugged, they have a milk dark vision and a high resiliance to pain due to the thickness of their skin. Dwarves can live to about 150-200 years with a good, long life provided to them.              
A Master Craftsman Dwarf's creations are so intricately detailed that even when destroyed, the cracks and crumbling of the stone will only serve to create a new design in the ruins themselves.




Some Dwarves are scattered and travel to craft and trade. They live as villagers in other lands as they go or settle, some retiring to become toy makers, tinkerers, and craftsmen.  


Dwarves dig and mine into the mountains and rock. The deeper Dwarves dig, the more they carve into the rock and stone, turning raw rock into finely crafted halls and shafts. The King is not only a king, but also a quarry master and trade master.


Due to their underground lives, Dwarves have grown to be weathered and blessed in ways which grant them a few racial traits.
  1. Dark vision: Due to the underground nature of Dwarven lives, darkness is less affecting to Dwarves. Not as strong as the beastkin, but definitely far more than most humans.
  2. Stone skin: Not actual skin made of stone, but Dwarves are very hard skinned and solid boned, making them quite resiliant to most blunt trauma. Though some might claim the lack of evidense of Dwarves receiving concussions as often is more attributed to their apparent lack of whit.
  3. Constitution: Dwarves are hardy folk of celebration and drinking, making them incredibly difficult to intoxicate, and poisons require higher, more concentrated doses.


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